Ooops! Forgot a Leo Pic!

There was one photo I took yesterday that I forgot to post. I know, I know, pet-owner syndrome here… But this’ll be the last Leo pic for awhile. (Gotta get back to proper Sylv-gushing or computer bitching or I’ll get out of practice.)

Leo drinks from the bathroom sink.

Leo loves drinking straight from the tap! So I will turn the water on to a trickle and he’ll jump up and drink. Being the himbo that he is, he’ll often forget how he successfully did it the last time, and come up with some other method for drinking without getting too wet. Sometimes he’ll hop up on the sink and mew until I turn the water on. He’s got me well trained, that’s for sure!

6 thoughts on “Ooops! Forgot a Leo Pic!

  1. OMG I thought my cat was the only one that did that. You can set a full bowl of fresh water in front of him, he can be dying of thirst, and he’ll wait till he hears a tap running to get a drink. Really irritating when you’re brushing your teeth in the morning and having to share the sink with the cat.

  2. He is so freakin’ adorable. 🙂 I think you should friend itslarryagain‘s LJ – he regularly posts photos of his two cats, Rascal and Bear – Rascal could be Leo’s long-lost twin. (Larry’s also a nice guy to boot) 😀

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