Steamers & Sluggy Freelance

I love a good lazy Saturday and today was one of those. After a nice, slow morning, I headed to Troy to wander around the downtown area. I got a vanilla steamer from Winan’s Chocolates (& coffee) at my first stop. Then lunch at the Bakehouse (a wonderful bakery) which consisted of a grilled ham sandwich on sour dough and some broccoli cheddar soup. I ended my trip in downtown Troy at the Night Sky cafe where I had to get an egg nog steamer. (Hey, I had to see who had the better steamers. It was 25cents more at Night Sky, but damn, that egg nog syrup they use is PERFECT.)

I slowly drank the second steamer as I made my way back “uptown” to Staples and then Walmart. Haircut at Famous Hair and finally a stop at the Little Professor Book Store which was having a 20% off sale for the holidays. I got myself 3 books, but didn’t know what anyone else wanted, so it was a missed opportunity for getting some Christmas presents. The books were the latest Murder, She Wrote novel and The Princess Bride and my “traditional” Christmas book. I started a tradition a few years ago where I would buy one children’s Christmas book each season. I never know going in what I’ll get. But there’s always one that will catch my fancy. Some of my previous picks have been Olive, the Other Reindeer, Auntie Claus, If You Take A Mouse to the Movies, and last year, How Santa Really Works by Alan Snow. Looks like a fun read to me!

I returned home, triumphant, and then goofed off the rest of the day. Thanks to akadriver‘s suggestion, I’ve been reading the classic webcomic Sluggy Freelance the past few days. I started with the first comic and am now in February of 1999. So I have a ways to go before I’m caught up, but I’ve been enjoying the comic. When I’ve mentioned the comic to friends of mine on IRC, they’re usual response is “You’ve only just discovered Sluggy???” The answer is, yes. I’ve found a few other comics to read regularly thanks to my earlier post on webcomics and the folks who responded with suggestions. Thanks, friends! I knew I could count on you!

So now I’m listening to Christmas music on Rhapsody and reading webcomics and generally goofing off. (My brain suffered a Blue Screen of Death on Friday and hasn’t recovered yet, so webcomics & Christmas music are just the thing for it.)