Followup to Book Club Fiasco & Odds & Ends

I received an e-mail from Scientific American Book Club and they seem to have sorted things out. Their reasoning for needing my e-mail and password was because they’re customer service and to get the techs involved would take more time. Not a good reason, but it’s a reason. They deleted my original online account and when I created a new one, things worked OK (as far as I can tell). They even went ahead and put in my order that was on the site – though one book is no longer available – alas! Still, they’re giving me free shipping on it despite the new order being less than $59 (the cost for free shipping on orders). So I’m pleased for now. If the other books arrive OK, I’ll be even pleased-er. 😉

Today is the 41st anniversary for Doctor Who – woot! I haven’t done anything special for the occasion (too busy doing other things) but I’m off to Chicago tomorrow for Thanksgiving with my big sissy, judiang, and then the Chicago TARDIS convention this weekend. With Paul McGann in attendance, there will be many PMEBers and other friends there. If you’re going to be at CT, look me up! Shirts that I will be wearing include my Metric Avenger shirt and my “Sylveste is the Real McCoy” shirt. I’m also bringing my McGann as Doctor sweatshirt – though I probably won’t need that in the hotel. Looking forward to the con!

Since it was the last day for school this week, several of us teachers went to BW3s (an act known as “B-dubbing”) where I had an amaretto sour (no surprise there) and some wings. A bit of conversation, and then home again to pack. (While out in Troy today, I also picked up the latest Harry Potter DVD. Made arrangements with the parentals units for Dinner and a Movie after I return Sunday. Woot!)

(gordon_r_d, I think I picked up “Woot!” from you. I’ve been using it all day… Seems to be working OK. 😉 )

Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up with the journal while I’m away – I need to keep up my pattern of “100% posts for the odd numbered months” just a little while longer. Then I’ll have done it for a year and won’t need to worry about continuing the trend next year if I don’t wanna. 😉