Dinner Pictures

Well, if all goes well, I’ll eventually get an IP address from the hotel and can post these photos.

Here are pictures from last night’s supper.

Lance in his new t-shirt.
To prepare for the convention, judiang made this t-shirt using a design by elsaf. In case you can’t read it, it says “Walkies again, Lance?” and “PMEB at Chicago TARDIS 2004.”

Me and Lance.
Here’s Lance and I sitting down for a spell.

The Thanksgiving Feast.
The Thanksgiving Feast!

Gobble gobble gobble!
And the Thanksgiving Turkey!

Trina's plate o' plenty!
Trina’s plate o’ plenty! Note the surrogate dark_pheonix eyeing my dinner.

Lance gets a piece of the action!
Lance gets a piece of the action!

Trina's plate o' empty!
Trina’s plate o’ empty!

Let them eat cake!
Let them eat cake! And then waddle off to the hotel…

As you can see, it was a wonderful dinner. And we did manage to eat some cake before the evening was out. Then we took a cab to the hotel (Lance included) and got into our 8th floor room. Judi and I sat down in the lobby for awhile, Lance getting hugs from complete strangers, and Judi and I playing around online. Unfortunately, this morning I couldn’t get an IP address from their wireless server, but hopefully will connect later and be able to post this.

We’re now registered for the con. Judi’s #32 and I’m #41 – so we won’t get to sit beside each other. Alas! We’ve seen a few friends so far, and that’s wonderful. Indeed, friends are the main reason I came to this con in the first place.

2 thoughts on “Dinner Pictures

  1. Now that I live only 2 hours east of Chicago and unable to get to ChicagoTARDIS due to working tonight, I am more jealous than you can possibly know. 🙂

  2. *shiftey eyes* Yes…That surrogate me was just eyeing your dinner. Not eating the delecious stuff whilst you were watching. Oh no. You must have been The T-Shirt for lance was priceless! I wish I could make T-shirts like that. Ah, what a wonderful wardrobe that would be… I do hope you have a wonderful time at the conference, and don’t forget to take the surrogate me to oggle various guests 😛

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