ChicagoTARDIS Day2

India Fisher and Paul McGann
India Fisher and Paul McGann at their panel.

Paul McGann
Photo of Paul.

Paul signs Lance's t-shirt.
Paul McGann signs Lance’s t-shirt.

Paul signs photo for Pheonix!
Paul signs a photo for dark_pheonix while holding her surrogate.

We’d been having a blast so far this convention, but unfortunately, tragedy has struck! judiang has fallen ill! 🙁 After the autograph session, she took ill and has been sick now for several hours. elsaf and I are worried about her and have done what we can to help her out (Elsa doing the most – wonderful woman). I’m sure she’ll lick it, but bleh, I really feel sorry for her right now! Poor baby!

Before this unfortunate happenstance, things were going well today. We breakfasted at Steak & Shake with hergrace and her family, Estelle & her son, and Mona. While there, Steph and I discovered they had Egg Nog shakes! Hmmmm, perhaps Steak & Shake might make a good lunch as well. I had the bagel, egg, cheese & bacon sandwich and a hot cocoa. Pretty good eats.

We returned to the hotel to sit at our “usual” table near the main ballroom and folks chatted. I did another run of the Dealer’s room and this time bought myself an MP3 CD of Death Comes to Time. I have the original CD, but wanted to check out the bonus features of the enhanced CD set. $38 was a bit more than I had planned on paying, but hey, it was my only purchase this con (other than the $2 PMEB button for charity and the $6 t-shirt that Estelle was selling for the McGann Library patrons). Oh yeah, there was food and drink that I bought, but that doesn’t count.

After wiling away the morning, Steph, Mona, Elsa and I returned to Steak & Shake for lunch. And as we’d pondered doing earlier, Steph and I had egg nog shakes with our lunch. Yummy! I picked up another egg nog shake and a chocolate shake for Judi and miz_em and then we stopped at Krispy Kreme so that Elsa could buy 2 dozen donuts for the PMEBers and McGann Library patrons. Our final stop was the liquor store where Steph and I picked up two bottles of wine and a six-pack of Guiness for the evening party. While on the way back, Mona played some tunes from Avenue Q, the Tony-winning musical in which Steph’s brother is a puppeteer.

The panel that we were all waiting for was the McGann panel which started at 3:30pm. Jason Haigh-Ellery, India Fisher, and Gary Russell from Big Finish were there, as well as Paul McGann and a late arrival Yee Jee Tso (who was stuck doing autographs). It was an entertaining panel, with Paul getting the most questions and the most laughs. I did ask Yee Jee a question when I wondered whether he actually got to meet the Muppets when he was in the recent Christmas special. The sad answer, no.

After the panel we headed off to the autograph session. Judi and I got a decent place in the line (thanks to the reserved seats) and Elsa joined us shortly as Official Photographer. Lance was very good in the line and got many pets from folks to-ing and fro-ing. We were in line for half an hour before we got to McGann and co. I bought 2 photos – one for me and one for dark_pheonix (surprise!). I also bought a photo of India for her to sign. Alas, I had nothing for Rob Shearman to sign – though he was entertained by Lance. India signed my picture and soon Judi was in front of McGann.

“I have something that really takes the cake here,” she said. “Will you sign my dog?” Paul laughed and said “You are joking, aren’t you?” But Judi had picked up Lance and pulled his shirt down tight. And Paul, laughing the whole time, signed Lance’s t-shirt. So, after that moment of silly, I didn’t feel bad at all for asking Paul to hold onto a small stuffed Penguin while he signed the photo for dark_pheonix. So there ya go – your surrogate has met Mr. McGann!

It was after the session that Judi started feeling poorly (and quickly!) I brought left-over donuts and the bottle of wine I bought to the Room Party room, where several ladies were already gathered. We decided to give Chinese food a try and I thought egg drop soup might be something that Judi could eat. (Turns out, no – she’s not eaten anything yet, but she’s not been sick lately, so there’s improvement!) Elsa got egg drop soup and I got pork lo mein. The entire order for all of us at the room party was over $100. Emily called it in and I collected money. We got a nice tip for the lady who delivered it (in a huge box on a little cart), too.

The party broke up when it was nearly time for the TV Movie to be treated to MST3K-style treatment. I headed down to watch, but they were waiting on the judging for the masquerade yet. So they were doing a Doctor Who-themed Match Game. Some funny stuff there. The masquerade winners were eventually announced and the TV Movie was finally started. I watched (as I often do) until we got to the “These shoes!” bit, and then I headed back to the room, where I am typing all of this up. Judi’s not been sick for over an hour now, so there’s progress! Get well soon, Judi!

Quick Post

If there is at least one person in your life who you consider a close friend, and who you would not have met without being part of an online fandom, post this sentence in your journal.

Meanwhile… judiang has photos of Paul McGann up on her website. I’ll send you to her journal where you can click on the link to the page. (And yeah, I did a quicky code for the page. If I’d had a couple more minutes, I’d’ve switched the font to Verdana, at least.)

ChicagoTARDIS Day One

Today was a wonderful day. It’s late at night and I’m working on my second amaretto sour of the evening, so I don’t know how much I’ll actually talk about tonight. But first, a photo of Paul McGann!

McGann, da Man!
McGann da Man!

judiang treated me to Room Service Breakfast today – a luxury neither of us has had before. Thank you Judi! I had French toast (which wasn’t as good, actually, as the stuff from the cafe that we went to the day before) and ham and a glass of milk. It was a fun experience – and no dishes to wash, either!

I attempted to get online downstairs without success (their DHCP server was kaput, so I received no IP address and couldn’t go anywhere online). After I gave up, we both went to get our badges for the convention. (Badges? We don’t need no steenkin… Nevermind!) It was awhile yet before the dealer’s room opened, so we returned to the room. Judi napped and I read. elsaf called when she was nearly at the hotel, so Judi and I went to meet her. It was nearly noon.

Other folks were arriving and we got to see many familiar faces and put other names to faces. I’d try to rattle them all off, but I know I’ll forget many people. Lance, as always, was a hit with folks. hergrace and family arrived soon after, and we all, with PMEBers campion7 and Mona, went to Chili’s for lunch. I had grilled shrimp Alfredo – yum!

Back at the con, there was more waiting around. Paul was rumored to arrive around 4pm, so I had some time to kill and went to see Peter Purves (Stephen Taylor from Doctor Who) in his panel. Then I went to the lobby to wait with other PMEBers and members from the McGann Library. Sure enough, “Himself” arrived and there was much (quiet) squeeing. The whole mass of females converged on the open bar after awhile, and Paul soon joined in. (That’s where my photo came from. Hopefully judiang will be able to post her superior photos tonight.)

We kept Paul busy until nearly 6pm when the Opening Ceremony was to begin. We meandered to the ball room and I found my seat. I’m one seat from Teri, another McGann fanatic. Judi and miz_em, alas, are on the other side (but also the second row). But I should still have fun with the panels.

Elsa, Judi and I went off to IHOP (International House of Pancakes) for supper with 3 other McGann fans, Julie, Chaz, and Trish. We had a nice dinner (I had BLT, fries, and fudge brownie sundae) and even nicer conversation. When we got back, it was time for the McGann Library/PMEB party up in a business class suite.

The party was lovely with lots of fun conversation and Lance working the room like a pro. I took many photos and hopefully will get a page made up after the convention to display them. Alas, Paul was down in the bar getting plastered, so he was unable to attend. But that didn’t stop us from having a good time! And now, Steph, Judi and I are down in the con area on our laptops and writing things up about the day. Tomorrow will hopefully be another great day of friends and good looking British men (or at least, one man). 🙂