Ah, the joys of owning a fluffy cat… I’m sitting here at my desk (pondering what to write about on LJ tonight) when he jumps up, covered in little lint balls. Yup, my little furball has been playing in the basement (probably near the clothes dryer). He has NO idea, of course… He’s so nonchalant. 🙂
cats love to dust places you can’t reach very well for you :D; we find spiderwebbed dust covered cats on a regular basis here.
I can’t be cool, Or nonchalant, Call me an impulsive fool… Damn my Pet Shop Boys keworded brain.
Awww! Do you have piccies?
Nope – I had picked off most of the lint balls before thinking of taking a photo. Perhaps the next time. 🙂
*sits down and waits patiently* *grins*
cat covered in lint balls is certainly an amusing mental image!
Digger used to go in the laundry room and hunt behind the dryer, and come up covered in dustballs– with three-inch-long centipede legs stuck in his ruff. I’ve never seen a house centipede big enough to have those legs. It’s like seeing a whale come up with giant squid sucker marks on its face.