S H O P P I N G!

This morning at 10am, I drove next door to pick up mom. We stopped at the gas station (for gas & cash) and the post office, and then went on to exercise at Curves. After being good girls, I drove us to the shops across the street from WSU to the “new” Indian place. (I’ve no idea how long it’s been there, but it’s new for me!) It’s called Jeet India and, as we discovered while sampling their lunch buffet, they have really good food. And mom discovered that she loves Tandoori chicken. 🙂

After our lovely lunch, we headed onto the Sam’s Club near the Mall at Fairfield Commons. I found some Welch’s sparkling grape juice for the NYE bash I’m throwing and a bottle of Risling for mom (which I got for the way cool bottle) to enjoy at her leisure. After Sam’s Club, it was time for the Mall. Which was nearly full, but we still found a parking place, eventually. We shopped there for about an hour or so (and even saw my cousin working at the pretzel place, but she was too busy to even notice us). I didn’t find anything that I needed, but mom got a few items.

I’m on the lookout for something for Granny and thought that Lowe’s might have it, but after shopping there, I discovered that they didn’t. No matter, we decided to check out Best Buy just for fun. Only it was filled up even more than the Mall, so I just headed on to the Bookery instead. Got my DWM and Dreamwatch issues. Then back north to Troy to Walmart. Got a few more things off my list there (including windshield wipers – yay! I’ll be able to see again!) We finished out the shopping spree at the Little Professor Book Center. Thanks to mom, I found two books that will be PERFECT for Granny – yay! She ordered me a vanilla steamer and she got a (sugar free) caramel latte.

While we were drinking our beverages, mom’s cell phone rang. It was dad, curious to know where we were. She told him we were nearly done. He asked about supper and I suggested getting him a sub at Cassano’s, which had just opened up in the little shopping center where the bookstore is. After we finished our beverages, that’s where we walked. Mom ordered dad the “original” sub (which she figured she could share with him) and I got a cheese calzone.

Once we got home, I went back to my place to pick up my DVD of Elf and the three of us ate our Cassano’s food and watched the video. We finished up the evening with our little Advent ceremony, and now I’m back home, with Leo. A very fun day for me and mom! And while we were out, dad got the prototype made up for this year’s physics toy! Those of you who will be getting one will LOVE it! I ain’t telling you what it is, neither!

Tomorrow should start out fun as well – dad’s preaching and mom’s singing at the UU church in New Madison. Should be a good ceremony at that!

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