“Excess! That’s what this act’s about!”

Sylvester McCoy in The Secret Policeman’s Ball

A few years ago, I discovered that there’s something even better than receiving presents. And that’s giving presents. And seeing the faces of the people as they receive presents. So now that I’m Independently WealthyTM, I can dote on my friends and buy lots of gips (as we call ’em in my family.) I was wrapping presents last night and finished them tonight. Once I got them under my tree, I realized I might have gone a bit overboard. But, nah, my family and friends are worth it!

Trina's tree with too many packages.
Here it is, my tree with far too many gips under it. Excess! That’s what this act’s about!

4 thoughts on ““Excess! That’s what this act’s about!”

    1. It’ll look even more of Excess once we get to my folks for “Christmas Day” (which will be the Thursday after Christmas.) Mom says there’s more gips for me than for the girls (Amy & Rachel). Works for me! 😉

  1. >,< why did you refer us to that "The Secret Policeman's Ball" page!? After last time I visited it (the roof exploded due to my gleeful laughter) I vowed never again...And look at me! Almost falling off the chair in fangirlish delight at that wonderful braces/undies combo. And the random Sylv pic isn’t helping things. *Sighs* You evil person, feeding my squee as you do. I framed the McGann signed pic, by the way. I’m going to hammer a hook into the wall for it soon…Now I may wake up and drool over my DavisonPic and McGannPic all at once! Heee!

    1. You evil person, feeding my squee as you do. Well, poor Sylv has such stiff competition in that Nimoy Character and your other obsessions that I must continually remind you of the spiffiness that is McCoy (the *Real* McCoy, not that Star Trek imposter!) 🙂 I framed the McGann signed pic, by the way. I’m going to hammer a hook into the wall for it soon… Cool! Glad you enjoy it!

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