Snow! Snow! Snow! Snow! SNOW!

With four inches on the ground already and promise of at least 10 (to 20) inches total accumulation by tomorrow afternoon, I think it’s safe to say that we’ll be having a White Christmas. 🙂 The snow is gorgeous, falling down in small and large flakes. Beautiful to look at and to walk in (though I think I need taller boots!) I took a couple of snaps from my back door. (Leo had the chance to go outside if he wanted to. He stood in the doorway, getting flakes on his head, but decided not to test out that white stuff on the back stoop.)

A picture print from Courier and Ives.
Yes, it really looks like a picture print from Courier and Ives – the common collection. 😉

The garage gets into the act.
My garage makes a nice dark backdrop for the cute, white flakes.

Since mom doesn’t work until Friday, all three of us are delighted with the fluffy snow. Mom and I foolishly went out in it this morning to exercise at Curves and for mom to go to her WeightWatchers meeting. It’s good that I went with her because there was only one other person in the meeting, besides the WW lady. Usually there’s 20 people, mom said. But we got home safely and I went off to work at the school for awhile. I’m done with that, however, so I can now concentrate on the cookbook.

Speaking of cooking, I never did state everything that was made by mom and me. Let’s see if I can recall all 11 items:

  1. Lindy Cookies
  2. Sour Cream Sugar Cookies
  3. Cheesecake Cupcakes
  4. Peanut Blossoms
  5. Floor Sweeping Cake
  6. Candy Buckeyes
  7. Butterscotch Icebox Cookies
  8. Chocolate-Coated Town House Cracker Peanut Butter Sandwiches
  9. Aunt Alma’s Ground Pecan Cookies
  10. Quaker Oats Cereal & Pecan Munchies (sweet)
  11. Pecan Tassies (mini-pecan pies)

Heh, I had to call ’round to mom’s to ask what the 11th item was. Turns out I was forgetting the cheesecake cupcakes, which we made on the first day. I forgot them, probably, because I haven’t actually eaten any yet! They all turned out very nicely and ought to be a hit at all of the family gatherings.

Christmas is coming! Whee! I’ve got snow! Whee! Gonna OD on family soon! Whee! Can you tell that I love this time of year? 😉