Snowed In! Yes!

We got our snow and then some last night! With the drifting, it’s hard to say what our total accumulation is. Officially, the Dayton International Airport got at least 16 inches, which breaks our record of 12.1 inches. My own yard has areas at least 2 feet deep, but some shallower areas. Of course, I’ve got pictures. Heck, I even had dad take a picture of the front of my house and e-mail it to me so I could post it.

Snow out back!
Here’s the view outside my back door. As you can see, there’s a bit more snow than yesterday.

A Leo's-eye view.
Here’s a Leo’s-eye view of the snow. Is it any wonder that he doesn’t want to go outside?

The front of my house, photo taken by dad.
I called dad and asked him to take a photo of my place from his living room window. He obliged and sent the picture to me. Let’s hear it for the Internet!

Good thing that my only plans for today are to work on the family cookbook and eventually get out to help the folks shovel out mom’s driveway. (The mound of snow made by the snow ploughs is up as high as dad’s truck!) judiang, I don’t think you have to worry about not having any snow to shovel when you get here on Monday!

6 thoughts on “Snowed In! Yes!

    1. Amazing – and it’s the bestest snow, too – light and easy to shovel (despite the depth). I made a path to the ‘rents back door and a path to the street from my front door.

    1. Are you folks snowed in nicely too? I was amazed – the post office is even closed! (Hope they’re open tomorrow – I’m expecting recipes!)

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