Christmas Day!

Hooray for Christmas Day!

Today was the first Christmas we had without Amy! *Sniff* She and Rachel are off with the “In-Laws” until, I believe, tomorrow. Then they have two days to work, and THEN they fly to see US! Yay! So we’ve “postponed” Christmas until Thursday morning.

Despite not having the huge Present Opening Fest that normally occurs on Christmas Day, I *still* couldn’t fall asleep on Christmas Eve! Went to bed around 2am, but my mind was still buzzing about the cookbook. So after a bit, I turned on the TV and watched Ralphie try to get his Red Rider BB gun for Christmas. (TBS shows A Christmas Story for 24 hours starting 8pm on Christmas Eve. I usually catch it at least once.)

I woke up around 8am, and Leo and just sort of lay there, not really wanting to get up. But we did and I finished up the Table of Contents and Indices for the family cookbook. (If you want more details about this project of mine, I answered drox‘s question about it here.) The folks called, just as I was finishing the last index, so I tried to burn a CD of the cookbook, and Nero crashed my computer. Restarting got the same result. So I transfered the file to my little USB memory card thingy and went next door.

We had sourdough pancakes and Canadian bacon and sausage. Yummy! We watched The Muppet Family Christmas while we ate. Afterwards, we had our last Advent service of the year and I read Berkley Breathed’s A Wish for Wings that Work. (It’s one of my favorite Christmas stories. Amy read it a few years ago for Advent. I figure it had been long enough and I could read it again.) Then, to tide us over until Thursday, we each unwrapped a single present.

I gave dad George Carlin’s When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?. I gave mom two WeightWatcher’s cookbooks full of what looked like yummy recipes. They gave me a book called Dr. Ernest Drake’s Dragonology. I put it on my wishlist when I discovered it while helping capriuni look for a gift for her secret Santa recipient. It’s a boo-tee-ful book! Lots of cool paintings, plenty of information, and even scale samples so you can feel what a dragon’s skin is like! I’m going to have a lot of fun reading it.

The rest of the day was spent with us either relaxing or me working on the print outs of the cookbook. Mom gave the new entries the once over and found a few things that I corrected. I’ve got the originals printed off and tomorrow, mom and I will get ’em copied at Staples (if they’re open). Tomorrow afternoon, I get to give some of them out to family members when we head to Uncle Bob’s for the Anderson gathering (mom’s side of the family). Looking forward to seeing everyone!

I’m currently taking a break from cleaning. I still have to sweep and dust, but everything’s pretty much picked up. Tomorrow night, I do laundry. And then I’m ready for GUESTS! 🙂

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Yes, I’m still up – have been working on the cookbook. But I finished the work necessary for a proper Table of Contents and an Index – woohoo! Tomorrow, or rather later today, I can put the finishing touches on it and print the new pages off.

YAY! It’s Christmas! *dances around joyfully*