“Christmas Day” – the Short of it

Open presents (lots & lots)
Go to post office (for Judi to mail back all her swag)
Go to West Milton to buy yarn (Rachel taught mom & Amy how to knit)
Snooze while family knits
Make long-ass grocery list
Go to grocery (alone – sniff!)
Return from grocery then eat supper
Watch a little Bond and some of The Bird Cage and the end of the Karate Kid
Drag Judi back home
Type all this up on LJ

More details later, maybe.

5 thoughts on ““Christmas Day” – the Short of it

  1. Trina! OMG! You’ve got an LJ! And it looks like I just missed saying hi to Judy and Elsa in it! :-> 5 guesses as to who this blast from the past is… :->

    1. 5 guesses, eh? Might not be enough… Judi’s still here (though off with my folks buying me b-day gips, I believe). OK, guess number one, going by SF area and “Lease” as your nick… LisaG?

      1. Darn! That was fast! I should’ve made it more difficult! :-> Give Judi a hug for me, and tell her to give you one! :->

    1. One with Pierce Brosnan and Robbie Coltrane. I dunno the title. We didn’t finish it, we switched over to The Birdcage.

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