Leo’s Famous!

Check out this week’s Guest Cat spot at The Kitten’s Pyjamas. You’ll see a rather familiar sight – my Leo! Woohoo! They were looking for more cats to feature during the Guest Cat spot, so I submitted Leo. Thanks to moosifer_jones for mentioning that they were looking for cats. 🙂

Today was a good day. Firstly, there was snow! YAY! Secondly, dad preached at the UU. It was basically a sermon about science and literacy. Really well done – and I’m not just being biased cuz I’m a scientist, neither. 🙂 Then, mom showed me how to make her vegetable soup. While it cooked all day, I cleaned up the place some, and when it was supper time, the folks came over and we had veggie soup, cheese (cheddar and sage derby – both very yummy), crackers, and pineapple. For dessert, dad and I had fat free pudding and mom had sugar free Jell-O. We watched The Princess Diaries 2 while we ate (and after we were done eating).

So, definitely a good day. 🙂 Tomorrow I have a day off of school, and I don’t have anything planned, yet. Sounds like a good day to me!

Hooray! I’m back!

Yay! It’s about time! The Madcow cluster (which my LJ is apparently on) has finally been fixed. The last to get done. And it was done before 10pm PST tonight (which is when they originally figured it).

Of course, I don’t have anything, really, to say right now. I did earlier, when LJ was down, but I forget what it was now. 🙂

Ah well, back to cleaning the house & watching Monk!