The weatherman was a little off…

The forecast for today was a little snow in the morning, probably tapering off by 9am. Less than an inch accumulation.

In reality, the snow started early this morning and kept going, and going, and going…

We don’t have the 20″ that occurred in December, but it’s sure been purty! We had about 2 1/2″ when I took out the trash. We’ll probably wind up with 4″ total. But it was slickery snow and they ended up letting the kids out early today and canceling all evening activities. I stayed the full time cuz I was going to walk home anyhoo. Got a bit of tech stuff done, which suited me just fine.

Tomorrow night’s when we’re supposed to get a proper snowstorm. With freezing rain and real accumulation. Makes me wonder what we’ll really get instead… 😉

PS: I made elsaf‘s mushroom soup recipe (which she got from Anthony Bourdain) tonight. Delicious! But I’m sleepy now! Let’s hear it for sherry in soup!

11 thoughts on “The weatherman was a little off…

    1. And you like mushrooms, so you should really like the soup. I’m neither for nor against mushrooms and I love the soup. Just don’t eat half of it in one sitting, that’s what gets you drunk. 😉

      1. Just don’t eat half of it in one sitting, that’s what gets you drunk. 😉 And this is supposed to deter me how? *giggles wickedly*

    1. Hear hear! My next soup to make will be Amy & Rachel’s wedding soup – spicy lentil pot. It’s another pureed soup. (I bought a blender last weekend just for the soups I’ve been making.) Tonight, however, BW3’s!

  1. That mushroom soup has been a crowd pleaser. 🙂 The only other one that comes close is the Roasted Red Pepper and Carrot Soup I did on Christmas Eve this year.

    1. Mmmm, sounds good. I liked your carrot soup that you did a few years ago. And I think you did a roasted pepper soup for Judi and I once, too. So the combo of two flavors must be good.

    1. I didn’t put in the whole bottle…. I just ate half of the soup. 😉 (I’m gonna turn into a soup, cheese & crackers junkie if this keeps up!) PS: Guess who’s got closed school today? 😉

  2. Yay, for sherry! Isn’t it always like that? They say don’t brace for anything and you get snowed under…they tell you it’s going to be the biggest snowfall in two decades and you get rain…

  3. I went out and bought fresh wild mushroom soup for lunch after reading this, it made me crave the soup and luckily it was the special in the cafe next door to my office!

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