A Fine Day Off…

Last night at 10pm, I received the call that we had a two-hour delay for school today. So as I went to bed, I set my alarm for an hour later than usual. This morning, as I was pottering about getting ready, I received the second call – school was closed due to the snow. Woohoo! Still, I intended to go in and work a little, so I finished getting ready and was at the school by 9am.

Dad was working today, so the two of us chatted, planned, and plotted while we worked. I cleared up some questions that I had about the inventory and updated Clean Slate on a few machines. Plus I did my lesson plans for next week (here’s hoping we have an uninterrupted week next week!) and printed off the labs we’ll be doing. And then it was lunchtime, so dad and I walked home and I had leftover fried rice for lunch. Yum!

I spent the rest of the day watching Spaced season 1. 🙂 That was quite nice. I watched most of the extras as well. I then went off to BW3’s for a “staff meeting” (as Gary called it when he phoned today to invite me to it). I used Deanna’s gift certificate, so thanks for supper, Deanna! And now I’m just goofing off online, waiting for the next storm to hit.

Tomorrow, I think I’ll read all day. Yeah, that sounds nice. 🙂