Prolific Friends

Today must have been the “Send lots of e-mail,” “Write lots of interesting LJ posts” day cuz I’ve been reading my e-mail, my friend’s list, and then my e-mail again since 6pm. “I’ll play some CoH when I get caught up” I promised myself. Heh, well I think I’m caught up now. Thanks for the fun reads, but now it’s time to go kick some villain ASS. 🙂

Tandoori Treen

No, I haven’t gotten myself a Tandoori oven (for those sisters of mine who wondered…) But I did cook mom & dad Tandoori chicken (of a sort). I have a Tandoori seasoning that I got when I bought some really good curry powders from The Spice House. Last night, I mixed the seasoning, nonfat plain yogurt, red wine vinegar, and water and marinated 10 skinned chicken legs with it. (Do you know how hard it is to skin drumsticks???) Today, I cooked the drumsticks, made some brown Basmati rice (tossed in some of my favorite seasonings for the heck of it), cut up a fresh mango, and grilled some flat bread to be some semblance of naan bread. Mom steamed broccoli to be our veggie, oh, and I grilled (greaseless) some onion slices for decoration & flavor to sit on the chicken. The folks arrived around 6:20 but, as usual, I didn’t quite have everything ready. Oh! Forgot the appetizer – spicy lentil pot (left over from when I made it & froze it in January).

Anyhoo, eventually I got everything together and we watched Sky Captain & the World of Tomorrow while we ate. (Yeah, yeah, Bend It Like Beckham would have been more appropriate, but I already showed that to mom). Leo enjoyed the company. He got some pleasant scritching from mom & some chicken to eat & people to look at him while he sat on the coffee table. The folks enjoyed the movie (as did I – still amazed at the visuals of it). And a good time was had by all. 🙂

Earlier today, judiang and I created new heroes for City of Heroes so that we could play together. (There’s no way Icy Hot Man will ever come close to Magyss in level, so we needed a pair for when the two of us want to play together.) I created Dominic Blue, a spines/invulnerable mutant scrapper. Judi created Ambrozia, an empathy/dark blast mutant defender. So basically, we’ve got a healer, blaster, scrapper & tank in just the pair of us. When we started playing together, we discovered we’re a kickass team. Well, OK, so we did get killed once, but that was cuz we were stuck in the Industrial Park in Atlas, surrounded by orange, pinks & reds. (We discovered that going to hospital gets one out of the Industrial Park rather well.)

It’s really cute to see the pair of us. Dom is a huge black man. Amb is an itty bitty woman. I don’t have any screen captures of Judi’s character yet, but here is my character:

My Political Views, apparently…

There’s a quiz doing the rounds which tries to figure out what Political Party you put your beliefs in. Guess what? I’m an anarchist! (Guess I listen to too much Chumbawamba!)

You scored as Anarchism. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>

















What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In?
created with


DVDs – Evil Silver Discs

I was doing so well. I told myself I wouldn’t buy any more DVDs until I’d either caught up on the ones that I already own or until Columbo season 2 comes out (early March). And I’d not bought any for WEEKS! (That’s impressive for me.) But, unfortunately, Meijer was having a deal – the “new” Miyazaki releases were only $17 apiece, instead of $20. And when I checked online, no one had prices that low. So I got Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind and Porco Rosso which were written & directed by Hayao Miyazaki (creator of Spirited Away, and my personal favorite, Kiki’s Delivery Service.) They also had The Cat Returns, which is from the same studio and based upon a “concept” by Miyazaki, and since it was about a cat, I had to get it. 🙂

“OK,” you say, “I understand about the sale prices… but why did you buy Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow too?” Um, no comment…

10 Things Meme

For lack of something better to post tonight, I’m going to try to come up with a list of 10 things that I’ve done that you probably haven’t done:

1. Taught kids from ages 9 to 90. (my only claim to fame)
2. Got a teddy bear the week before you were born and still have it 34 years later. (sleep with it, for that matter)
3. Taken your teddy bear to Australia, New Zealand, and London.
4. Built a come-back can which was in first place throughout the entire contest – until the last minute when one person beat it. (Yeah, I’m stretching here…)
5. Flew to Australia & New Zealand to stay with people you’d never met before. (Hmmm, might have some folks who have done this too.)
6. Given friend a free CoH sample only to watch her get more than 5 levels above self within a frickin’ week!
7. Put hundreds of photos of Sylvester McCoy into binders using little photo triangles to keep them in place. (Sad, sad fangurl here.)
8. Dreamt about Colin Baker trying to seduce you (and got all oogied out cuz, geez, the guy is happily married!)
9. Took a team of physics students to the TEAMS competition and watched them come in first place. Twice.
10. Sang at a choir competition and nearly passed out between songs. (really bad flu that day – hope it hasn’t happened to anyone on my flist.)

OK, I was reaching often there. At least I didn’t resort to “watch Leo clean his butt while you typed up this entry.” 😉 (Of course, I didn’t do this, because it didn’t happen. He is, however, sitting on the desk now, looking like he owns all this shit.)

Random (holy?) thoughts…

So I’m walking home from the library (where I was at an alumni committee meeting) and passing through the alley between the Brethren in Christ parsonage and the United Church of Christ church and thought “this would be the ideal place to get mugged!” I mean, who would think to mug someone between a parsonage & a church?

I didn’t get mugged, thankfully… And I wonder, why is the parsonage for the BiC next to the UCC, and the parsonage for the UCC across from the BiC? That’s puzzled me for years. Why don’t they just trade? And you know, I have no idea where the parsonage for the First Brethren Church is. Actually, I don’t know exactly where the Church of the Brethren parsonage is, but I know it’s very close to the CoB. And does the Assembly of God (or whatever it’s called) church have a parsonage? If so, where is it? (When I was in kindergarten, we had class in the basement of that church. It’s right across the street from the school.)

You know, we have a LOT of churches in our small 1/4 mile x 1/4 mile town. And where do I go to church (when I don’t go to the Church of the Heavenly Fluffy Pillow)? All the way to New Madison (a 30+ minute drive away) First Universalist Church (a Unitarian Universalist church – one of two in that county.)

“At least I’ve got my spatula!”

My sister’s probably the only one reading this who will get the subject of my post. No matter… I picked it ‘cuz today I bought 2 Calphalon spatulas (small & large) and a 4qt Calphalon covered saucepan. Kohl’s was having a sale (as they usually do) on their Calphalon cookware *and* you also got 15% off when you used your Kohl’s credit card. So I decided to buy the items. Mom, meanwhile, bought the 12-piece Calphalon set (nonstick hard-anodized aluminum – the only way to go IMO) and got a free 4qt Dutch oven, too. I wanted the Dutch oven as well, but it was $10 more than the saucepan, and I *really* needed the saucepan.

I had a lovely day out with the ‘rents this morning. First Curves for mom & me, then Home Depot where the folks bought the replacement bits to repair their shower stall. Then onto Ruby Tuesday’s for lunch. (In keeping with the Dutch theme, that’s how we paid…) I had steak & coconut battered shrimp. Amazing how tasty shrimp can be when you let coconut bash it to death. Finally, we finished up at our Kohl’s shopping spree.

Once I was home, Leo and I sat in the reading room and I finished a book (Weighing the Soul by Len Fisher). But then we both fell asleep in the comfy chair with the sleepytime music playing. I’m up now, however, and I think I’ll go play a bit more City of Heroin.

I love having a day off work!

Treen & Leo Day

On my way out to Lowe’s & Meijer this morning (with dad) I promised Leo that when I got back, we’d have a Treen & Leo day and do laundry and play with Leo’s favorite toys. So I did just that. He’s got this one toy that flies like a bird and he played with it so hard today that it was several minutes before he got his breath back. He was then too tired to play with his Gone Fishin’ toy which he got for Xmas (and subsequently got a replacement for when he tore the first to pieces). Both of these toys stay in the linen closet until we’re ready to play with ’em. If not, they’d be in little bits by now.

The best part about the laundry day is that clothes now take 1 hour to dry. Not an hour and a half. Or four hours. Nope, just 1 hour. Yay! Let’s hear it for cleaning the lint out of the vent!

BTW, I never did receive the blackmail money from judiang, so I guess I should out her as saying the following: “Well, yes, I do think there is certain puppyishness about those droopy eyes….” to the question “Do you think Sylv is cute?”

I shall miss the money, but shall enjoy the virtual fwaps when she reads the above paragraph. 🙂

BTW, the end of Treen & Leo Day is going to be some quality reading time in the Reading Room in our big green reading chair. Leo’s currently sitting on the gold chair here in the den. I love my cat. 🙂