City of Heroes: Not as bad as I first thought…

After reading the level-headed comments from ravenevermore and gordon_r_d, I spent some time at the City of Heroes support site and tried a few things. Before I sent off a letter to tech support, I turned off Zone Alarm and tried the game and got right in. So my theory is, every time CoH updated, Zone Alarm would get all snarky and want me to allow the updated program. I only saw the popup for this rarely, however. The CoH screen covers all and usually, I’m guessing, hid this popup from me.

I’ve done my best now to convince Zone Alarm that CoH changes often and to let it go at that. Hopefully this will be enough to let me play.

So after all of that, I decided to create another hero and play around with him too. I was having such a nice time playing on servers that stayed connected that I forgot to head next door for supper. Thankfully, the folks got hungry and phoned. 🙂

My Current Super Heroes

Techno hero who specializes in necromancy. (On Freedom Server.)

Science hero who’s like, all electric. (On Champion Server.)

Tanker magic hero with fiery armor and freezing attack weaponry. (On Champion Server.)

City of Heroes is a big pile of s***!

Yesterday, I was playing City of Heroes without a hitch. I wasn’t getting knocked off of the networks and had no trouble signing in. But dammit, today it downloads Yet Another Fricking Update and once again, it locks up when I go to logon. It’s like it’s an on-again off-again program. And it’s bleeding off again!

I would love to like this game. I would like to love this game. But it’s been nothing but a pain in the ass for me since I installed it. It protested that I didn’t have up to date drivers. So I updated the drivers and it liked me again – only Diablo hated me with the new drivers. I found drivers in between the two ages and both games decided they could live with me. But then it updates itself and I can’t play it. But then it updates itself and I can. But while I’m playing it, the servers keep disconnecting on me. ARGH! So now it’s back to not letting me log in. Stupid stupid stupid!

I really can’t see myself subscribing to it when my 60 day card expires. Damn, stupid game! *sniff*