I have modified my original “Valentine’s Day” icon to be a little redder. So this is a Gratuitous Icon (Modified) Post. 🙂

Isn’t it the way? rustyverse is complaining on IRC that he can’t update his LJ cuz it’s currently Read Only. And I’m complaining on IRC that I don’t have anything to write about tonight…

I listened to some Shonen Knife and Bally Sagoo tonight.

It’s Ash Wednesday.

Leo’s sleeping.

I got Icy Hot Man to level 5 and Van De Graaf to level 4 on City of Heroes today.

Tomorrow’s Thursday.

Hmmm, I think I’ve written enough for tonight. 🙂

3 thoughts on “GI(M)P

  1. Ahhh, good ole City of Heroes It was really fun, until I finally wanted to do missions that required something other than “Go in this building, kill all the bad guys, hooray, you saved the day”. (and now World of Warcraft has claimed my unfortunate soul). What sort of build are your heroes? Mine was Disco Fever, the funky strutting Empathy/Radiation Defender…

    1. World of Warcraft has claimed my unfortunate soul Heh – I keep thinking that I should get World of Warcraft too. As much as I loved Diablo. Perhaps when I, too, grow tired of CoH, I shall do the same. It’s a real shame – I haven’t had a chance to enjoy the MMORPGing of CoH yet. Whenever I’m on, my friends aren’t. Alas! What sort of build are your heroes? Oh, medium build. 😉 Icy Hot Man’s short. The women are tall. You can see ’em here. Viola’s a scrapper, Van’s a blaster, and Icy’s a tanker.

  2. Hehheh. I love that icon very much. And the red tint is a lovely componant (I accidentally wrote “computer” then. Oops!)

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