
As seen on IRC during Truth or Dare, December 5th, 1998:

<trinalin> Do you think Sylv is cute?

<Evil_****> Well, yes, I do think there is certain puppyishness about those droopy eyes….

The identity of the above person will be revealed unless $100 in unmarked bills is deposited in the PayPal account of my choice… (I leave the rest of you to ponder the identity…)

10 thoughts on “Blackmail

  1. That person has the beginnings of taste! (we Penguin Man fangirls must spread our opinion, like the Borg, only nicer and without the tight body suits)

  2. Who the hell could that have been? Probably one of our sane, sensitive and erudite regulars who was having a bad turn that day. I feel this person, I really do.

  3. Hmm. How does one deposit unmarked bills in a paypal account? 😉 I have a guess, but I don’t know if my comment gets made public…

    1. How does one deposit unmarked bills in a paypal account? I shall leave that to the blackmailee to sort out. And she’s running out of time! 😉

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