Thoughts on The Monkees

These past few weeks I’ve been watching my Monkees DVDs. I’ve been a fan of the show and the group since I was a kid (I probably caught the repeats in ’76 and I know I caught the repeats 10 years later). I’m about halfway through season 2 now and I’ve noticed something interesting: most of my favorite episodes happened during season 2. “Fairytale” (where Mike plays a beautiful princess), “The Christmas Episode” (where they sing “Riu Chiu” at the end), “The Devil and Peter Tork” (my second favorite ep and it features “Salesman,” one of my favorite songs), and “The Frodus Caper” (the last ep and my favorite – damned strange story and it features “Zor & Zam,” another favorite song of mine). Another thing I’ve noticed is that there are some season 2 episodes which I barely remember, but often have expressions that I remember well because my sister and I used them often as kids. (Amy, just saw the “Save the Texas Prairie Chicken” bit…) And a third thing – Monty Landis sure was in a lot of episodes in season 2! And a fourth thing – where on earth did Mike Nesmith go on those eps that he wasn’t in?

BTW, does anyone but me remember when Father Dowling Mysteries did their own version of “The Devil and Daniel Webster“? Always liked that story, too. 🙂