Pretty Things

It’s cold and rainy out, but yesterday was as beautiful a spring day as one could ask for. Much of my foliage was abloom, so I took photos (since I already had my camera out for my photo challenge – still taking requests!) Leo was playing around outside (on his leash) and so I got a couple of shots of him as well. You can see all of the flower photos in my Livejournal Photo Gallery, though I’ll show a few under LJ cuts below, along with the Leo pix. (See, new icon!)

Leo outside 1
Here is Leo, wandering around my chaise lounge. The purple thing is his leash. He thinks I’m strange to require a leash, but if it gets him outside, he’s all for it.

Leo outside 2
Leo giving me his usual “I own all this shit” look.

red flowers
I’ve no idea what kind of tree these are from, but they’re awfully purty red flowers! And they’re in my backyard.

With weeds like these, who needs flowers? I never planted tulips, but I have a small patch of them that show up every spring. Works for me!

white flowers
The tree in front of my house has very pretty white flowers in the spring. And then decides to drop its leaves after the first snow… Damn tree…

Please look at the other photos in my Flower Gallery (if you want) cuz they’re all pretty too! They’re especially nice to look at on drizzly, cold days like today.