Lake Pix

I took some photographs while we’ve been here at the Lake. I’ve posted them to a new Gallery in my LiveJournal Pics space, which you can view here. (The Lake Gallery is the last one in the list. I’m still playing around with the LiveJournal Galleries and dunno yet if this is the one I like best. I don’t like that I can’t link to a particular gallery.) For a taste of the pics, here’s one of the ducks who wanted to join us for lunch today.


The Doctor Dances with the Sith

Ah, what a lovely day we had, today! judiang and I slept in until 9:30am and then I played some City of Heroes while she got ready. I bought donut holes & mini chocolate donuts for breakfast, which we munched on. Then Judi played with Evah Green, my Mind/Forcefield Controller on CoH while I went off to Wagners for ice & booze (for making ice cream). It was noon when I returned, so I started on the fire. Clouds were threatening rain (thunder too) but it never did rain on us. And I got a very nice fire going by the time elsaf arrived.

Elsa had brought some marinated pork for grilling and then pulling to make jerk pork sammiches. Shortly after she arrived, we put ’em on the grill (along with some pineapple spears) and Elsa grilled ’em. I made up some Bailey’s ice cream and put it in the Old Fashioned ice cream maker. Judi sliced onions and gerkins for the sammiches. Lunch, as you might suspect, was wonderful. And we topped it off with the chocolate cake that Elsa made and the homemade ice cream. Yum!

After lunch, it was time to download the new Doctor Who and veg. I tested the cheapo DVD player to see if it could play MPEGs saved onto CD-ROM, and it could. So we knew once we got the new Doctor Who, we could watch. Woohoo! Judi was sawing logs – with a powersaw, apparently, and soon Elsa and I dozed off as well. (Yes, that was an expression meaning she was sleeping – I can’t imagine Judi actually sawing logs…) When the download was done, however, we burned it onto a CD and sat and watched. A good conclusion to the previous ep, The Empty Child. I think I have my new favorite eps. 🙂

It was around 6pm when we decided to go off to see Revenge of the Sith. We knew that was a plan for the weekend, we just didn’t know when we’d go. There was a 7pm showing. And we arrived right at 7pm. There were enough commercials and trailers that I forgot what I was waiting to see.

So, the movie? It was an enjoyable 2 hours. Yeah, sucky dialog. Yeah, Anakin can’t act his way out of a bag. But the effects were cool and Yoda’s a mean muthafucka. So I got enjoyment from the flick. When it comes out on DVD, I’ll probably pick the “first 3” flicks up (hopefully in a special package and at a very reasonable price.)

After the movie, we wanted pizza. So I took the girls to Cassano’s (a local chain). I think the Cassano’s in Piqua is the best Cassano’s around, and tonight, their deluxe pizza was what I remembered. The cream soda wasn’t terribly good (syrup troubles) but it was OK. The girls picked on the “cracker pizza” but I think they liked it well enough – for cracker pizza.

On the way back, I took ’em up Rt 66 (heh, not THAT Rt 66), which was a longer way, but gave Judi more ammo against small towns. 🙂 And now we’re all sitting around the table in the 3-season room. Geeking on our laptops. Ah, life is GOOD. 🙂

Late Night at the Lake

Today was the last day for seniors – yay! (*sniff*) I was doing well until one of the senior girls gave me a hug as she headed out the door. There are quite a few that I shall miss. They all have a bright future ahead and I wish them well!

After work, I drove off to Troy to pick up groceries for this evening, and then onto the airport to pick up judiang. The plane was only 15 minutes late (which isn’t bad for O’Hare), and I drove us up to the Lake.

The parents were here, as was the cable guy, and I got the fire started. (Despite a bit of rain, the weather was nice today.) Becky & Deanna arrived around 7pm and I put the burgers and dogs on. We had a nice supper and brownies as dessert. And then it was time to get SERIOUS.

Judi was talking trash, like always, while we started our latest & greatest game of Shanghai Rum. Aunt Becky’s heard it all before. But Becky was having alergy problems, and thus was on Benadryll. So what happened? Judi kicked butt & took names. Afterwards, we played two rounds of bull shit. My sister might be surprised to learn that mother is the biggest bullshitter of us all… She won both rounds.

It was midnight when folks left and Judi and I got out our laptops. And surprise, surprise! I was online before Judi – woot! We’re talking with elsaf right now as we’re barely conscious. Tomorrow, Elsa will join us and we’ll have a blast.

I don’t feel like posting…

Kinda weird really… I used to be quite regular at posting to LiveJournal. But lately I’ve been all “eh.” I still read friends posts, but haven’t thought of anything to write about. And you know why I’m writing now? Cuz stupid City of Heroes won’t let me on.

Yes, I’m addicted to that game – perhaps it’s the reason why I don’t feel like posting – I’d rather play than post. But it’s a fun escape and I enjoy myself when I’m playing. I finally switched over to paying for the game tonight. (I’d been using the 60 day cards that I got at Christmas until now.) Unfortunately, things got goobered up while I was doing this, so the website says I’ve paid, but the game says that I haven’t. Put a phone call into the not-toll-free support number and am now awaiting the escalated support e-mail which says it’ll all work.

And before all of that was going on, I was trying to help one of my former teachers with a printer problem of hers. USB printers still aren’t ready for folks with a little knowledge of computers. They’re best for experts or for complete n00bs. Folks with a little knowledge think “I’ll just use Add Printer.” Complete n00bs and folks who’ve dealt with lots of USB printers think “I’d better follow the damn directions.” Her hubby, I think, tried using add printer. I’ve got her now going through and following their own instructions. Hopefully it’ll work.

Hmmm, was that an e-mail I just heard? Nope, false alarm. Damn…

Drox is here!

drox arrived here around 7pm and we’ve been having a great time playing Chrononauts and her Doctor Who version of Apples to Apples. We watched some Daria and ate Sun Chips and watched the new Doctor Who – spooky! And a cliff hanger! Woot!

It’s now time for us to get some sleep, because we’re off to listen to dad’s sermon in the morning.

drox says “Hi!” 🙂

Lazing at the Lake

Wehey! Dad and I were finally able to set up the Linksys wireless router at the Lake. I’m sitting in the 3-season room with my laptop and its pathetic D-Link 802.11g wireless card and am typing this up! Sweet!

The weather today is gorgeous. Probably wasting it all so that next weekend when elsaf and judiang come, it’ll be lousy. Ah well. We’ve had good weather for Memorial Day weekend and we’ve had bad. We deal. We have a great time. 🙂

In other cool news, drox will be dropping by this evening. She’s going to spend the night with me and even come to the UU church where dad will be preaching tomorrow. Funny that – Judi & Elsa have known me for ages and yet Drox will be the first of my friends to hear dad preach! 🙂

OK, time to get working on the school website. I’ve got a couple of hours here before I head home to await Drox’s arrival. (Judi, this means I won’t be playing CoH tonight. Probably…)

Perfect Day

The weather was gorgeous. The students were bearable (and this time of year, that’s special). Leo & I had quality outside time where I worked and he played. I got to play some City of Heroes with judiang. And now it’s time for a bath & bed. Life is good, yeah. 🙂

Alumni Weekend

I’m at home taking a break (and downloading the latest ep of You Know What (and if you don’t know What, then that’s OK)) from my busy day. I got up early today (and not just cuz Leo wanted me up) to get to the school by 8am. Tonight is the Alumni Banquet for Newton High School, and I’m on the Alumni Executive Committee. So, how did someone as lazy as me get on the committee? Easy – I’m the only one who knows how the database of addresses works…

Last year was the first year the database moved from the retired teacher (who’d been keeping it up to date)’s computer to the school. The old database was Works, but we don’t have Works at school. So I managed to make a half-decent Access Database with it and was able to print out that list of addresses for the Alumni. The 10-year class last year decided they didn’t want to put the banquet on (it’s tradition at Newton for the 10 year class to run the banquet and the 25, 50 and 75 year classes are honored), so several grads (mostly from the class of ’57) created the Alumni Executive Committee and put the thing on. This year, as they were preparing, they asked if we could create an account on our network for members to access the database for data-entry. No problemo, I said. And I set it up. And the committee asked me to join them in their monthly meetings, so I did. And suddenly I realized that I was on the committee.

Well, actually, I’ve had a lot of fun with the Alumni Executive Committee. The ladies and gentlemen on it are funny, laid back, and really support Newton School. They’ve been working hard – we’ve been working hard – on getting things ready for this evening. So this morning at 8, everyone was at the school, loading in tables from every church & business in the county, bringing in chairs, decorating, etc. I made posters & signs and name-tags yesterday and they were displayed where need be today. (I had a rather severe typo in one sign that I made. For the 50/50 Raffle, the sign said “$1 each. $6 for 5. $15 for 10.” Whoops! Put the dollar signs on the wrong numbers! Still, I figured we’d make more money that way. (It was an easy fix – just printed off new ones with the corrections and voila, that task was done.)

I worked there until 11am, then I had to drive off to New Bremen (judiang & elsaf – that’s the town just north of Minster, where the Pizza Hut is) for our annual B-WISER meeting. Not a lot of teachers were able to make it, but it was a very productive meeting. And thankfully, we’ll be going in on Sunday instead of Saturday this year. And we won’t have to teach on the Friday. Alas, same dorm as always, but, hey, Carolyn and I are used to our room by now.) Denise, the lady who owns the house where we met, provided pizza and drinks (she and her hubby have a FABULOUS antique bar from a hotel in Ft. Loramie – so I got an amaretto sour) and we got to business. Both Denise and Susan (co-administrators for the camp) made goodies for dessert, too. Mmmmm! Brownies & chocolate chip cookies!

We were done there at 2:30, so I headed home. I’ll probably head back to the school in 20 minutes or so. The dinner’s not until 6pm, but we get folks arriving at 4:30, so we need to be ready. I’ll be introducing the MC and speaking on behalf of someone donating books to the school, as well as explaining why the Mr&Mrs didn’t make it onto the invites. So, wish me luck!

The Time of Year…

The air conditioner in my computer lab is on. (The one in the tech office is all for all but 2 weeks or so in winter – the servers warm up the room plenty.) My lesson plans are done from now til the end of the school year. Everyone’s suffering senioritis – juniors & teachers included. I’ve got loads of grading to do, even though I was just caught up last week. The summer tech jobs are looming, however I’ve not written anything on the White Board yet. I’ve done the calligraphy for the Bausch & Lomb Award, Academic Excellence in Science Award, John Philip Sousa Award, and the National Choral Award. (The new band director found out from the old band director that I’m a professional calligrapher – who does school awards gratis.)

You know, I’m beginning to suspect it’s May! And that there’s only a few scant weeks of school left! Hmmmm….

(I really need a teacher icon… My science one is good, but it’s not what I need for a teaching post.)

A Series of Fortunate Events

The weather’s been perfect. Today while walking through town, I thought “if anyone wants to sell a house in Pleasant Hill, all they need to do is have the prospective buyers walk to the post office and they’ll fall in love with this town.” And along one of my walks today, I saw many young people in tuxedos and formal dresses – yup, prom night! They sure clean up nice, our students! 🙂

Yesterday after work, the folks and I went to Sam’s Club (always an adventure). Before we shopped, however, mother and I timed it so that we could go out to eat for supper first. In honor of Mother’s Day, it was my treat. Mom picked Max & Erma’s (a Dayton chain – think TGIFriday’s or Applebee’s), so that’s where we ate. Mom got the featured cocktail (vodka, cranberry juice & grapefruit juice) and I got an amaretto sour (very good). I had cajun shrimp & pasta and we all shared freshly baked chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

At Sam’s Club, dad picked up a Linksys Router for the cottage at the Lake and mom bought herself an MP3/CD portable player (for exercising to audiobooks). And, having earlier cashed in a credit card rewards check for $50+, I bought books 4-8 of A Series of Unfortunate Events. When we were in Dayton two weekends ago, I bought books 1-3 and have completed them. I really enjoyed the books and decided I should get more. So I was delighted to see that Sam’s Club had them for $7.88 a piece. 🙂 Bye-bye $50, hello books! 🙂 We also got stuff for our Mother’s Day gathering at the Lake. Should be good.

This morning, I goofed off and played City of Heroin Heroes. And when mom called, I headed off to meet her at Curves for our Mother’s Day workout together. We then went on to Kroger’s for a few other supplies for the gathering. And afterwards, I was a bad gurl and got some General Tso’s at the Chinese take-away next to Kroger’s. After lunch, I snoozed and played on the computer and Leo & I went out for a bit in the sun. But at 6pm, the folks came around and I drove us all to a Louisiana Boil being held at a co-worker’s house.

The evening had lots of good food – gumbo on rice, crab legs, crawdads, mussels, shrimp, sausage, artichoke, corn on the cob, potatoes, carrots, etc. etc. and plenty of good conversation. Some folks who used to work at our school also arrived and it was great catching up with folks. When mom was nearly asleep and the mosquitoes had bitten my feet up good, we decided to head back. And then I got online to write up about stuff.

Tomorrow’s when we have all the Shorts over for Mother’s Day at the Lake. Should be some good times. I’ll be making ice cream. Gotta remember to make the liquid up tomorrow so that it’ll be cool by freezing time. (And we need to get salt & ice, too…)

To all of you mother’s out there – HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

To my little sissy – HAPPY BIRTHDAY!