I don’t feel like posting…

Kinda weird really… I used to be quite regular at posting to LiveJournal. But lately I’ve been all “eh.” I still read friends posts, but haven’t thought of anything to write about. And you know why I’m writing now? Cuz stupid City of Heroes won’t let me on.

Yes, I’m addicted to that game – perhaps it’s the reason why I don’t feel like posting – I’d rather play than post. But it’s a fun escape and I enjoy myself when I’m playing. I finally switched over to paying for the game tonight. (I’d been using the 60 day cards that I got at Christmas until now.) Unfortunately, things got goobered up while I was doing this, so the website says I’ve paid, but the game says that I haven’t. Put a phone call into the not-toll-free support number and am now awaiting the escalated support e-mail which says it’ll all work.

And before all of that was going on, I was trying to help one of my former teachers with a printer problem of hers. USB printers still aren’t ready for folks with a little knowledge of computers. They’re best for experts or for complete n00bs. Folks with a little knowledge think “I’ll just use Add Printer.” Complete n00bs and folks who’ve dealt with lots of USB printers think “I’d better follow the damn directions.” Her hubby, I think, tried using add printer. I’ve got her now going through and following their own instructions. Hopefully it’ll work.

Hmmm, was that an e-mail I just heard? Nope, false alarm. Damn…

7 thoughts on “I don’t feel like posting…

  1. you should get Battlefield Vietnam… and play on my server… I’ll kick your ass ! 🙂

    1. Yes, yes, you’d probably kick my ass. But damned if I’m ever gonna play another video game again! Evil, evil MMORPGs!

  2. I just find weird facts and silly things to post these days and the Happy Birthday post when someone has one 🙂

  3. Cuz stupid City of Heroes won’t let me on. Yes, I’m addicted to that game It’s lovely when you get so addicted to a game that that happens…I was like that with Morrowind, and then the Spider Man game (that lasted all of two days) but damn life sandwitched itself between me and my games. Upcoming chemistry prac or not, I maintain that a mole isn’t anything to do with 6.02×10^23, it’s actually a small animal that digs in the ground. And an empyrical formula should be for maintaining empires’ racecars. Yes. *pokes you with a blunt pencil* You postey more. I miss reading much of your usual spiffness. Yarr. BWAHAHAHAHA. I have pencil. *falls asleep on keyboard*

    1. Upcoming chemistry prac or not, I maintain that a mole isn’t anything to do with 6.02×10^23, it’s actually a small animal that digs in the ground. The American Chemical Society has claimed the mole as their mascot. I’ve got a few pompom moles with itty bitty goggles over their eyes stuck in my science rooms. Mole problems? Call Avogadro at 1800-6.02×10^23! If a mole of moles dug a mole of holes, what would you see? A mole of molasses! How many guacs in a gucamole? Avocado’s number!

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