Late Night at the Lake

Today was the last day for seniors – yay! (*sniff*) I was doing well until one of the senior girls gave me a hug as she headed out the door. There are quite a few that I shall miss. They all have a bright future ahead and I wish them well!

After work, I drove off to Troy to pick up groceries for this evening, and then onto the airport to pick up judiang. The plane was only 15 minutes late (which isn’t bad for O’Hare), and I drove us up to the Lake.

The parents were here, as was the cable guy, and I got the fire started. (Despite a bit of rain, the weather was nice today.) Becky & Deanna arrived around 7pm and I put the burgers and dogs on. We had a nice supper and brownies as dessert. And then it was time to get SERIOUS.

Judi was talking trash, like always, while we started our latest & greatest game of Shanghai Rum. Aunt Becky’s heard it all before. But Becky was having alergy problems, and thus was on Benadryll. So what happened? Judi kicked butt & took names. Afterwards, we played two rounds of bull shit. My sister might be surprised to learn that mother is the biggest bullshitter of us all… She won both rounds.

It was midnight when folks left and Judi and I got out our laptops. And surprise, surprise! I was online before Judi – woot! We’re talking with elsaf right now as we’re barely conscious. Tomorrow, Elsa will join us and we’ll have a blast.

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