First Day of Camp!

Yesterday, everyone arrived for the B-WISER camp. Counselors arrived between 9am and 11am, having a tour of the campus at 11:30. Teachers arrived between 10am and noon. We had lunch after everyone arrived (at Mom’s Truck Stop, one of the on-campus food areas) and chatted away, getting caught up on our lives.

The girls started arriving around 2pm. By 4pm, most of them were here and we introduced ourselves to them. They had an initial activity to get to know each other, then showed off the posters they made and did a cheer/song/saying that they’d come up with. They were all cute & clever.

Supper was at 5:30, so we went to the cafeteria for the exceptional food. I ate too much, but it was nice to have a large selection (perogies, sweet & sour chicken on rice, pizza, salad, apples, bananas, etc).

At 7pm, the girls got a problem to work on. Build a raft using straws and masking tape that can hold as many pennies as possible. I watched the first round and took photos. The best raft held 20 pennies. However, I didn’t stay around for round two, because the stuff was there for the Build Your Own Sundae snack that we had for the girls. I became a vanilla ice cream scooper for the night. But, of course, before we could try it out on the girls, we had to test it out on us. So I made myself a chocolate ice cream with caramel & chocolate sauce, whipped cream (I can see elsaf shuddering now), nuts, and sprinkles. Yum!

The vanilla ice cream was popular and I got a hand cramp after awhile, but Susan took over from me, thankfully. They ran out of spoons before the end but no matter, we had the girls use the serving spoons for the toppings and then resorted to popsicle sticks. We’re nothing if not resourceful!

It was a great start to the camp, if you ask me. 🙂

Oh, and how’s this for geeking? Since Carolyn got tired of tripping over my Cat5 cable last year, she brought her wireless router. So we’re both connected and wireless. 🙂 Yes, yes, we are geeks.