Yellow Springs – The Town that Never Left the 60’s

After a bit of a late start today (where mother bought herself a new bike at the local bike shop), we went to Yellow Springs, one of my sister’s old stomping grounds from her college days. She wanted to show off the town to Rachel (and we all love shopping there, so we all went along too). We had lunch at Ha Ha Pizza, where I got a pesto, ricotta, mozarella, & tomato calzone, and everyone else got the lunch special (a slice of pizza with 2 toppings and a trip to the salad bar). They have a number of interesting toppings with 3/4s of our party getting the special got falafel on their slices. They even have a choice between white and whole wheat crust. It was very yummy. Oh, a Stewart’s cream soda rounded out my meal.

After lunch, we shopped around the town. I stopped in Mr Fub’s Party, a cool (but very small & cramped) toy store. Saw lots of cool things, but was a good girl and didn’t buy anything. We stopped in a number of shops – clothing, jewelry, booze, etc. While looking for Moody Shoes, the really cool shoe store in town, we found out it was gone! Awwww! So sad! We checked with another shop and they said the store was gone, not just moved. The store with the bongs, however, was still there. They didn’t have the big “Please don’t call these bongs!” signs like I remember, but they still had many disclaimers about their water pipes. And, damn, they were still beautiful pieces of art. Almost makes me wish I smoked to get some of those beautiful bongs water pipes.

We had a wonderful afternoon shopping in town, and when we were done, it was off to Young’s Dairy for ice cream. I actually saw Young’s Dairy on “The Best Of” on FoodTV once. Cool. It’s got really good homemade ice cream. And I just couldn’t decide what I wanted, so I was a bad gurl and got a triple scoop waffle cone. 1 peaches & cream, 1 chocolate peanut butter, and 1 chocolate fudge brownie. All three were wonderful. 🙂

Since I had the largest cone of the group, I was the last to finish. Everyone headed back to the car before I was done, so Amy stayed with me while I finished. “I hope they don’t leave without us,” she said. “They do have their favorite daughter with them.” “Yeah,” I agreed. “They got to choose her. We were thrust upon them.” 🙂 As you might guess, they didn’t leave without us. (Though Amy and I were trying to figure out how to commute from Yellow Springs to our jobs sans cars…)

On our way back from Yellow Springs, we stopped at Fulton Farms for some fresh produce. I actually bought several preserves, but mom bought fresh peaches and veggies. We got there just as they were closing. Amy was disappointed to discover it wasn’t the farm from her memories. It has changed a bit over the years (a bit more of a marketplace and less of a farm).

Once we were home, the folks mowed and trimmed the yard while we watched. Then we had salads, cheeses, nuts, and bread for supper. Oh yeah, and wine and beer for those who wanted it. (I tried the Zinfindel, but stuck with water.) Everyone was really tired after supper, so they all went to bed and I came home. I’ll probably play some City of Heroes before going to sleep. 🙂

Tomorrow we head for the Lake. And the four girls (mom, me, Amy & Rachel) are going to spend the night there. Should be fun! And on Monday, the Shorts are all coming for the 4th of July dinner. 🙂