David’s Got a Nice Ass!

Well, it looks like judiang has a good update on what’s been going on so far. Having seeng Boticelli’s Birth of Venus and Michelangelo’s David today, I am in art heaven. Both were bigger than I was expecting. And David is simply breathtaking. I find it interesting that the seats around David only afford a view of his rather nice ass. I didn’t mind one bit!

As Judi says, the villa is fabulous. I went swimming last night and again this morning. And I intend to swim more tonight. Tomorrow we’re off to visit wineries. No idea when we’ll next have time to post. What I really need to do is tell y’all about our very memorable dinner last night. I tell you, we laughed for HOURS. We were so sore from laughing when we were done. You’ll probably find it almost as funny as we did. 🙂

4 thoughts on “David’s Got a Nice Ass!

  1. Glad to hear you’re having a great time! Wish I was there. 🙂 And dying to hear about this dinner. (At least they didn’t tell you to bring your own pork chop.) 😉

    1. LOL on the bring your own porkchop. 🙂 We went to a cooking class last night and rolled pici for the first time in our lives. We dun goot, actually. It was lots of fun and one of the highlights of the trip. Am in Venice right now at an Internet point. See you online soon!

  2. *runs out of the undergrowth, tackles Trinalin in a biiiig hug and cries a “Yay!” so loud a flock of birds ten km away take to the air* Heeee heeeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! See my icon? SEE IT? HEEE EEEE! *achem* I’m glad you’re still having such a spiffy time.

    1. YAY! Great photo! So, you finally got to meet Penguin man! I’ll read all about it when I get home. 🙂

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