Down & Safe (Again)!

Last night I got back to Ohio around 8:30pm & the folks picked me up. We went to Waffle House for a late supper and then I returned home to a very pleased-to-see-me Leo. Short amount of time online and then off to bed. Church this morning (dad preaching on “Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?”) and now I’m home and ready to read Harry Potter and chill with my cat. I’ll report more on the trip when I’m more awake. It was a great time and I know at least 17 out of us 18 got back safely. And I’m figuring Tammy (the 18th) got back OK as well.

PS: Happy Birthday antiwesley!

6 thoughts on “Down & Safe (Again)!

  1. Hey! Welcome back! I realize I didn’t get back to you about that cooler. Which might have been acceptable, except that I didn’t get back to you *at all*, which was rude of me. Anyway, I figured if it’s not a bother for you, you could just keep it until the next time I’m visiting in your part of the country. I really enjoyed the last time I was there (too short!) and it’s an experience I’d like to repeat sometime. Of course you’re more than welcome to come visit here, if you so desire. Just lemme know when. Again, welcome back! And give my love to Leo.

    1. Anyway, I figured if it’s not a bother for you, you could just keep it until the next time I’m visiting in your part of the country. I really enjoyed the last time I was there (too short!) and it’s an experience I’d like to repeat sometime. Works for me! And when you come, I’ll already have the Chrononauts in place, so you can leave yours packed. 🙂

    1. At the gelateria/pizzaria in Foiana della Chiana (the little town our villa was in). The one with the microwave dinners. 🙂 And I discovered that coconut gelato is heaven in a cup. Yum!

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