
I shall get back to my Italian Job in another day or so. But tonight, I’m being a badgurl with Amy, Rachel and mom. We’re at the Lake on our second stay-over together. Last night, we sat by the fire and talked and marveled at Rachel’s fire tending skills. Tonight, since it had rained, we just sat on or by the swing and chatted, instead. And now we’re inside, mom playing The Same Game on dad’s laptop, Amy & Rachel checking out a magazine, and me doing this.

Today, the girls went off to Archbold to the wedding of a friend of theirs. Mom and I, meanwhile, went clothes shopping. Yes, it’s my one time of the year to go clothes shopping. I got 2 weeks’ worth of undies, 3 slacks, and 7 shirts. And spent about $500. Yay me! Even mom found herself some nice clothes.

I dropped mom off to her home (then she and dad returned to the Lake) and headed off to Fairborn/Beavercreek to do some more shopping. First, I had Indian Fud at Jeet India, then shopped at the Mall. Finally, I went to my comic book store to pick up my Doctor Who magazines (and one of the new DW books – to give it a try).

The final stop was to Meijer where I got the ingredients to try my own Tuscan Meal. I’ll soon be writing about our cooking class where we learned to make pici and bruschetta and stuff. They gave us recipes for the items, too. So I decided to make the full Tuscan meal in honor of Amy & Rachel’s 1st anniversary. So, to Leo’s bemusement, I worked several hours in my kitchen making the meat sauce, making & rolling pici, and baking crostata. And then I bagged it all up and drove back to the lake (ala elsaf).

We had peach shortcake (with REAL whipped cream, not ala Elsa) that was very yummy. Then papa headed home (though we assured him that he could stay and be badgurls with us) and we went into badgurl mode.

2 thoughts on “Interlude…

    1. You went to the Evil Puppy Mall? And they had evil kitties on display. They were sooooo cute! You made pici?!!! I did, indeed! How was it? ‘Twas good! Everyone enjoyed it, and the crostata, and the salad, and the bruschetta. I’m quite pleased. Better email Antonella. I will. 🙂

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