Feeling Teethy

Listening to music & reading my flist at the mo’. Just being lazy, for the most part. But I thought I should write a little since I’ve not in a few days. (Yes, I’ve still got Friday from my trip to write about. The exciting story of Trina getting a sunburn while she swims at the villa!)

I had a great time with elsaf and judiang this weekend! The Henry Ford was lots of fun (and I can’t believe I forgot about the Model T ride & the Dymaxion house when I wrote about the day). Judi and I succeeded at preparing a meal worthy of Elsa. We had a wonderful barbecue with Elsa’s family on Monday. And the drive back was safe! (Although I took my time coming home, with many stops cuz of the stupid sun making me sleepy! Actually, one of the stops was to visit the Media Play in Toledo and I bought Eric Idle’s Greedy Bastard Tour book. It was a whim. Should be a fun read. I love travelogues by funny people (Bill Bryson, please stand up).)

On Tuesday morning, the NPR DJ mentioned it was September 6th and I thought “Oh yeah! It’s Tuesday! I have a dental appointment today!” Well, my usual dentist, Dr. Bentley, referred me to Dr. Kim, a tooth surgeon, to get my wisdom teeth out. They’re starting to get cavities and he’s afraid they’ll ruin my other (perfect, I might add – well, nearly) teeth. So Tuesday was my consultation.

Things were, as usual, harried in the tech department at the end of school, so I was two minutes late getting to the office. They took the overly expensive 360° x-ray of my mouth. Then I had to wait over an hour (typical! hurry up & wait!) to see Dr. Kim. He informed me that, as lovely as my teeth are (he did complement me on my teeth), he’s going to have to cut the bottom two. Their roots curl a little and might be wrapped around the nerve! Eep! He asked if I wanted a local or general anesthetic. I asked his advice and he suggested, with getting 4 out at once (top two and easy pull), I should go with unconscious. Never been under before, so this will be interesting…

He asked about family history and I do have family that get ill with anesthetics. So they’re giving me the anti-sick pill before they put me under. Dad’s gonna drive me back and I’ve got a 3 day weekend to recover. I plan on have a VERY easy schedule for the following Monday – which I can do if I’m able, or which a sub can do if I’m not.

So, when does Trina go under the knife? October 14, 2005. This date serves two purposes. First, it’s on WOEA Day – we have that day off. Second, it’s in October, when our medical reimbursement account refreshes for the new work year. And with the bill coming to $841(!!!) when surgery is done, I’ll need that $500 reimbursement! (I still have $240 left in this year’s – getting glasses next week, I think. Plus there was the $35 consultation fee that I paid for that appointment.)

I must admit, ever since Dr. Bentley referred me, I’ve been licking my wisdom teeth a whole lot more. It’s gonna feel VERY strange to not have them in my mouth! And gee, I hope I don’t lose any wisdom when I lose the teeth – I haven’t much to spare!