Idiosyncratic Treen


1. A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
2. A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
3. An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.

List five of your own idiosyncrasies and then tag five friends to do the same.

Well, I was tagged by felicityk, so I decided, since I’ve not posted lately, to give it a go.

  1. I’m anal retentive to a fault, but as messy as all get out. I still haven’t figured that out.
  2. Going along with the anal retentive bit, I can’t stand to see light switches all messed up. Up is On, Down is Off. When you’ve got a room that has 2 sets of switches, it annoys me if they don’t go right. (The Media Center at school is a major offender of this problem.)
  3. I talk to myself. When I’m at home or in my car, who cares? But I also talk to myself when I’m out shopping. Usually trying to talk myself out of buying something. Or to repeat something so that I remember to get it.
  4. I sing to my cat. Often. And he’s never just called Leo. No, the poor thing has a million different nicknames.
  5. Cilantro tastes like soap to me. Actually, I don’t think that’s idiosyncratic, I think people who don’t think it tastes like soap are the ones with the idiosyncrasy.

OK, judiang, elsaf, prairiepete, hadleylovesroma, and btrproducer, you’re it!