Quick Survey

After a discussion with elsaf and judiang, I decided to find out what others thought. And the thing we’re curious to know is, do you make your bed in the morning or not? Judi seems to think lots of people do this. I think it’s rarer than she thinks. So now you can help figure out who’s right!

Vote early (and often)!

8 thoughts on “Quick Survey

  1. I must qualify that. I pull the sheets and banket straight and fluff the pillows. I don’t have time to put on the spread and stuff.

    1. Yeah, I only do that when I have guests in the house or am leaving for a long vacation & open the Venetian blinds. My neighbors must think I’m meticulous. 😉

      1. I must qualify that. I pull the sheets and banket straight and fluff the pillows. I don’t have time to put on the spread and stuff. Um, yeah. That’s why I was looking for “sort of” in the poll. 🙂 I’ll do the fancy thing for guests on the guest bed only – not in my own bedroom. I don’t really want ’em wandering around in my bedroom anyway. :p (My feeling is that if you don’t like it here, you’re welcome to leave.)

  2. I only make my bed when a) I change the sheets b) Mum makes me do it. I prefer it all mussed up, it’s more comfy that way. Dad is the same.

  3. i have never truely made my own bed. i’ll pull all the blankets up after i get out to prevent more heat loss, and when i wash the sheets i’ll tuck in the bottom and about a foot up the sides. my bed is against a wall on 2 sides , a 3rd side has less than a foot of room between the bed and the wall. too much effort to make the bed when only the cats see it.

  4. I must admit I only make the bed after I’ve washed the sheets. I tuck them in at the end, and then my boyfriend promptly untucks them while flailing around in his sleep. So I don’t bother. 🙂

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