Sleepy Day

I’ve been doing very well in the wisdom tooth extraction recovery. Yesterday, in fact, I went shopping with the parental units! I bought a pair of new shoes (Land’s End from Sears) and pre-ordered City of Villains. judiang and I have been playing the beta of CoV and have been enjoying our bad selves. 🙂 So I decided, what the hell… Alas, I can’t even blame being on Vicodin for the purchase because it was almost time to retake the medication. 🙂

So last night, I even ate real food. Sort of. We stopped at Bob Evans for supper and I ordered chicken noodles and mashed taters. I asked the waitress if she could pick out the chicken and stick with mostly noodles & broth. She was very kind and did a good job at that. It was nice to eat something other than Slim Fast shakes. I ate so slow that even dad was done before me. And then for dessert, I got a chocolate fudge sundae. That was mighty fine ice cream! Mom and dad had a few bites too. But the cool ice cream on the gums was a pleasure. Of course, I had to top that lovely meal off by doing my warm salt water rinse in the bathroom. Bleh.

After my exciting day yesterday (heh – well, that shopping experience and a walk to the post office were my only adventurous events of the day – I watched more DVDs the rest of the time) I took it real easy today. I watched The Revenger’s Tragedy (the sixth of my six DVD rental) and listened to my new Doctor Who audios. And watched The Cat Came Back, a DVD I’ve had but hadn’t yet watched. I still have part 4 of LIVE 34, the latest Doc7 audio from Big Fish, to finish. And I’ll probably watch Iron Chef America. But I’m done for the day as far as activity is concerned. 🙂

Oh, supper tonight was Mrs. Grass’s noodle soup with lots of soda crackers soaked in it. I also had two bananas during the course of the day, and lunch saw me added some grits to the diet. (And the grits inspired me to my first bout of flossing since surgery.) OK, I think I’m starting to make less sense. Amazing, for all the rest I had today, I’m awfully sleepy. Since I’m going to work tomorrow, I’ll head to bed early. Hopefully I can get through the day OK tomorrow. I think I will.