The Jack-O’-Lantern!

I didn’t get home until 4:30pm, but when I did arrive, there was a clear winner in the Jack-O’-Lantern Design Contest. The very cute “Yawn!” won – yay! Good work, dark_pheonix! In second place was the also cute “Alien” by capriuni. Thanks to both of you for your wonderful contributions. I should be set for the next 13 years’ Halloweens. 🙂

So the next stage was to actually carve the design into my pumpkin. I did my best to replicate dark_pheonix‘s design. And I decided to do a step-by-step photo tutorial on carving a pumpkin. I have included this in my LiveJournal gallery. If you click here, you can see the whole 20 step process. 🙂

But I know what you REALLY want to see. You want to see the final result.

Jack at the front door, greeting the Trick-Or-Treaters.
Jack at the front door, greeting the Trick-Or-Treaters.

Jack in the dark.
Jack in the dark!

I wound up having 73 Trick-Or-Treaters. A little less than last year. And I had more candy than last year – so I guess the juniors and seniors get candy tomorrow. 🙂 The folks were over at Granny’s giving out candy and they ran out. After 146 kids came to trick-or-treat. Wow, what a difference living on a main drag makes!

My costume this year for Dress Up for UNICEF (a yearly tradition at the high school) was very simple. I borrowed dad’s trench coat, wore my khaki jeans, brown shoes, sunglasses, and fedora. I also had a newspaper with 2 eye holes cut out, and brought my itty bitty digital camera with me. Yup, I was a private dick eye. What I need to do next year is get a pinstripe suit and violin case, wear my sister’s black fedora, and go as a Chicago Mobster. 🙂

So, another successful Beggar’s Night. I hope those of you who actually have beggar’s night on the same night as Halloween (wow! what a concept!) I hope that you have as much fun as I have. And remember, if you have half as much fun as me, then I’ve had twice as much fun as you. 🙂