The Jack-O’-Lantern!

I didn’t get home until 4:30pm, but when I did arrive, there was a clear winner in the Jack-O’-Lantern Design Contest. The very cute “Yawn!” won – yay! Good work, dark_pheonix! In second place was the also cute “Alien” by capriuni. Thanks to both of you for your wonderful contributions. I should be set for the next 13 years’ Halloweens. 🙂

So the next stage was to actually carve the design into my pumpkin. I did my best to replicate dark_pheonix‘s design. And I decided to do a step-by-step photo tutorial on carving a pumpkin. I have included this in my LiveJournal gallery. If you click here, you can see the whole 20 step process. 🙂

But I know what you REALLY want to see. You want to see the final result.

Jack at the front door, greeting the Trick-Or-Treaters.
Jack at the front door, greeting the Trick-Or-Treaters.

Jack in the dark.
Jack in the dark!

I wound up having 73 Trick-Or-Treaters. A little less than last year. And I had more candy than last year – so I guess the juniors and seniors get candy tomorrow. 🙂 The folks were over at Granny’s giving out candy and they ran out. After 146 kids came to trick-or-treat. Wow, what a difference living on a main drag makes!

My costume this year for Dress Up for UNICEF (a yearly tradition at the high school) was very simple. I borrowed dad’s trench coat, wore my khaki jeans, brown shoes, sunglasses, and fedora. I also had a newspaper with 2 eye holes cut out, and brought my itty bitty digital camera with me. Yup, I was a private dick eye. What I need to do next year is get a pinstripe suit and violin case, wear my sister’s black fedora, and go as a Chicago Mobster. 🙂

So, another successful Beggar’s Night. I hope those of you who actually have beggar’s night on the same night as Halloween (wow! what a concept!) I hope that you have as much fun as I have. And remember, if you have half as much fun as me, then I’ve had twice as much fun as you. 🙂

9 thoughts on “The Jack-O’-Lantern!

  1. Wow!! you get lots of kids! I’m lucky if I get a dozen or so… though I don’t do the trick-or-treat thing anymore. The first couple of years I tried, no one came to the door, and I was left waiting and waiting — until I took a pee break. Then the knocking and doorbell ringing got very impatient. For me, I think trick-or-treating needs at least two people, so there can be shifts ;-). So — did anyone comment on Yawn! ?

  2. *squee* that looks so spiffy! *is very proud* I’ll be showing that pumpkin off to my family for ages, great job!

  3. That came out great! We don’t get trick or treaters because we live on the third floor and the doorbell’s busted.

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