Winter has fallen here…

Well, although it’s not as cold or as snowy for us as it is for itslarryagain, Winter has decided to arrive early. Yesterday was rainy & in the 60s (°F), today it was low 30s (again °F) with a very light snow flurrying around. Still, I was dressed for the chilly weather and enjoyed the light snow. (I’m a snow freak, so there ya go).

As I was walking home, I thought about what the chill weather promises. We’ve got Thanksgiving coming soon (yay – 5 day week and nowhere to go! I might even update my web pages!) Then there’s Christmas & New Years & the overdose on family (which I also enjoy). Then (and maybe before then) promises of snow storms & lots of snowfall. Not terribly fond of ice storms (which we get plenty of in Ohio) but I love snow. Pretty to look at, pretty to walk through, hell to shovel. Hot chocolate, warm soups, lotsa blankets on the bed. Kitty cat on my lap while I read for an evening. Yup, it’s nice that winter is on its way.

3 thoughts on “Winter has fallen here…

  1. It was snowing here too when I left for work. Not enough to even show on the ground, let alone stick, but it was cold (35F), and windy. I fear that winter has arrived.

  2. I love snow… as long as I don’t have to drive in it. It would be fun to have another girls’ day out for sushi, but that was just the wrong time of year to meet up in lake effect snow country. 🙂

  3. Heh. You call that winter? Record high last Friday — mid-60’s F. Cold rain all day Tuesday. Tuesday night, converted to snow, and then gusty wind started. Half an hour after I arrived home from work, the spin-out accidents started. Got down to 7 F last night. With wind chill to below zero. The pilot for my furnace went out overnight, and since I work from 3 to 9 pm today and have a meeting in St. Paul tomorrow morning, I can’t get the gas company out to have a look until tomorrow afternoon. At least I have a couple of electric space heaters I can use when I get home tonight. Fortunately, the wife is on-call in a nice cozy hospital tonight.

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