Snow addendum

I took a photo of the snow! I went out to measure how much we’ve gotten so far (at least 3 1/2″ – probably nearer to 4″) and decided to take pictures.

Snow out the back door.
Here’s lovely snow out my back door. You get a good idea of how thick it is from the tops of the lounge chair & trash bin.

Well, Leo decided he wanted to go outside while I had the door open. I let him.

Leo goes out.
Leo steps out. Hesitantly.

And of course he has to give me this “Mom! If you’d just take this white stuff away, I could go outside!” look.

Mom! Take the white stuff away!
Silly kitty!


As with many people in this neck of the US, we’re having a mighty fine snowfall here. So much so that they’ve already declared a 2 hour delay.

Here’s hoping for a day off tomorrow. I need one. 🙂