What to do with a snow day…

  1. Sleep in
  2. Play City of Villains
  3. Watch season 2 of Bewitched
  4. Have lunch
  5. Watch that Xmas episode of Monk you keep missing (How did the USA Network know I was going to have a day off school today?)
  6. Finish Going Postal by Terry Pratchett while listening to Christmas music
  7. Have supper
  8. Play City of Villains – successfully doing the respec trial (yay!)
  9. Read LJ, write LJ, and chat on IRC while listening to Christmas music
  10. Continue rereading Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets before bed
  11. Sleep

I haven’t done the last two on the list yet, but I think the rest pretty much covers my day. Snow days are so much better than days off. I mean, you always plan stuff for your day off. But you’ve never got plans for a snow day, cuz you never know when/if you’ll get one.

Snow addendum

I took a photo of the snow! I went out to measure how much we’ve gotten so far (at least 3 1/2″ – probably nearer to 4″) and decided to take pictures.

Snow out the back door.
Here’s lovely snow out my back door. You get a good idea of how thick it is from the tops of the lounge chair & trash bin.

Well, Leo decided he wanted to go outside while I had the door open. I let him.

Leo goes out.
Leo steps out. Hesitantly.

And of course he has to give me this “Mom! If you’d just take this white stuff away, I could go outside!” look.

Mom! Take the white stuff away!
Silly kitty!


As with many people in this neck of the US, we’re having a mighty fine snowfall here. So much so that they’ve already declared a 2 hour delay.

Here’s hoping for a day off tomorrow. I need one. 🙂

Happy December 1st!

I know that February is the shortest month, physically. But man, November just FLEW by. So I nominate November to be the actual shortest month of the year. Geez.

In the “OMG, I didn’t think it was possible” state of things, it’s now the 5th day of Advent and I’ve not lit one candle or read one Advent passage (trad, rad, or whatever). Shame on me. Well, at least I’m listening to Christmas music right now. How will I turn into an Elf for the season if I don’t get my Adventy stuff going on?

One of the days, I might write a bit about Advent and why it’s so important to me, but I’ve already stayed up too late and should go take a bath & get to bed. And once in bed, I can continue rereading Harry Potter & the Philosopher’s Stone. I’ve decided to reread all the books while I lay in bed. I’ve not reread most of them, actually. But dammit, I’m having so much fun in Harry’s world. It’s just so cool to be joyful while reading.

Anyhoo, off to bath & bed! May you all have a fine start to December!