Olympics Junkie

You know you’re an Olympics Junkie when you schedule the rest of your life around the Olympics.

Oh, sorry for not being on CoX lately, judiang. I should have some time this weekend to finish up our Valentine’s Mission with Icy & Imanni. Looks like Sunday will have to be it again. Should be available from 11am til 4pm (though I’ll have hockey on in the background).

(Oh, and the only reason I’m not watching Curling right now is that I decided to take a break before the intensive viewing at 8pm starts on NBC.)

6 thoughts on “Olympics Junkie

  1. I, on the other hand, am balancing you out by watching absolutely no Olympics. I’ve maintained a perfect record so far, and with any luck, I’ll keep my streak going until the absolute end. 🙂 I’m so shocked! An icon that is neither Sylv or Leo!

    1. I’m so shocked! An icon that is neither Sylv or Leo! It’s rare, but it does happen! 🙂 Good luck on your streak!

  2. Hey, I can top that. I’ve been watching online feeds in Russian and Chinese so I can watch the figure skating live.

    1. I was so disappointed we didn’t get the 27 inches of snow that New York City did. I wanted some days off of school to watch Curling live. 🙂

  3. I’m right there with you. The Olypics and the Athletics Championships are the only time regular sport is fun to watch. Last night was great, my brother and I camped out infront of the tv bitching at the ice skaters like a couple of old queens, lol!!

  4. Olympics? *realisation dawns* ooooh! That’s why the Google logo keeps changing! I had completely forgotten about it. Oops. There was such unbearable hype when Australia hosted it, I was relying on someone else to tell me it was on. Enjoy ye sporties 😀

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