
So, here I am, watching the Olympics in my living room on my big TV (the little one is in the bedroom). And how am I typing this? Am I using my work laptop? NOPE! I’m working on my BRAND NEW LAPTOP!

I bought an Averatec 3700 series laptop. It’s itty bitty & cute. And it’s white!

Oh yeah, I’m a geek, I should state the specs, too. 1.8GHz processor (AMD Sempron), 12.1″ screen (part of the itty bitty & cute aspect), 512MB RAM, 80GB HD, DVD+/-RW/CD-RW drive, and only 4 frickin’ pounds! It’s refurbished, but so far, no complaints.

I wanted something ultra-portable and I liked the look of the Averatecs I’ve seen. Dad also got one – his is much the same as mine, but he bought his new. Smaller HD, no DVD burner, but just as cute & itty bitty.

I decided I finally wanted my own laptop, rather than using the work one. First off, the work one isn’t ultra portable, so I wasn’t doing a whole lot of transfer to home with it. And I really didn’t like having “personal” stuff on my work computer. So last weekend, I uninstalled the Semagic, mIRC, GAIM and other “personal” programs (plus documents & MP3s) from the work one. At work, it’s used for cloning computers & designing/updating the school website.

When I figured my taxes, I realized I was getting enough back from the Feds to afford a new laptop. So I did lots of research & shopping before I finally decided to get my Averatec. I ordered it last Friday (from, of course) and it arrived today. Yay!

In addition to my laptop, I ordered a laptop pad (the Lapinator). It arrived on Wednesday and I got to try it out with dad’s laptop then. It’s great – perfect for these itty bitty laptops. And also very light. Don’t know if it’ll fit in the laptop case – I’ll find out Monday or Tuesday.

I also ordered a laptop case, as you might have guessed from above. It’s supposed to arrive Monday, but I didn’t know that UPS delivered on holidays. Hope it does!

The cost of all of these items was still less than the refund I’m getting from the feds, so yay me! I think I might get a set of white headphones to go with my laptop, too. 🙂

I’m really happy that this has arrived as soon as it has. This way I can spend all weekend watching the Olympics & customizing my new laptop. Works for me!

4 thoughts on “Geek.ME!

    1. Yeah – first thing I had to do when I took it out of the box was fit the battery into it. 🙂 I’ve been using it for nearly 4 hours solid now and loving it. Still a ways to go to get it Just Right. 🙂 (But, damn, Ice Dancing music is driving me crazy. Same thing over & over while they do the Compulsory Routine.)

    1. Using my usual creative naming convention, it’s called ACME-Averatec. (The PC is called ACME-VAIO). I’ve only ever had 2 whimsical names for computers/servers. JohnnyCache for the school web caching server and BlackKnight for the big-ass black backup server in the media center. I think we call the band director’s computer MusicMan – at least, we used to. (Well, that plus the 4 digits of the computer tag number.) My home network is Pagefillers, of course. 🙂

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