Simply Shocking!

The joys of home ownership. For some time I’ve had problems in my reading room and bedroom with the electricity. Tonight dad was over to look at the circuit breaker and he noticed that it was arcing – woah! Sparks aren’t good in houses! We imediately turned off that particular circuit.

So I’ve just called what I think is an electrician. They clump everyone associated with electricity into the “electrical contractors” group, so it ain’t easy to tell who’s an electrician for repairing arcing circuit breakers and who’s a contractor for designing the wiring in your house. With the help of the WWW, I’ve at least found someone who’s a member of the BBB. Probably won’t hear back until Tuesday. So that means until I do hear back, I won’t be listening to my Soundbridge in the reading room or watching TV in my bedroom. At least the overhead lights are on a different circuit.

While dad was over, we first had some haystacks (taco meat on crushed tortilla chips with lots of lettuce, cheese, and salsa – yum!) Then he checked on my recliner which doesn’t recline (and hasn’t for years.) It turns out that the fix isn’t worth the bother. I’ll just keep an eye out for a new recliner and sofa (it’s getting rather old looking too) for the living room. And we also looked over the reading room and took some measurements for bookshelves. I hope to have floor to ceiling bookshelves in there. 🙂

Hmmm, maybe I should open out my sofabed for the rest of this 3-day weekend. Then I can still watch Olympics in bed. (Last time there were Olympics, I hadn’t yet gotten a TV for the bedroom so I actually did this – heh.) I’m sure Leo won’t mind – he loves a grand adventure. 🙂