Five Senses Meme

capriuni made this meme and I think it’s a good ‘un. So here’s my answers to it.

List five things in the real world that make your life all fluffy and sparkly — one thing for each of the five senses.

  • Taste: Fresh baked bread – either without butter, or toasted and with butter.
  • Hearing: Sylvester McCoy‘s voice (yeah, yeah, I’m smitten – I’ve known for years).
  • Touch: Kitty! Kitty fur! Kitty tongue! Kitty!
  • Sight: Sylvester McCoy *sigh* – particularly a shot with his eyes all dark & mysterious.
  • Smell: This is a hard one to describe – I know it when I smell it. It usually happens in spring or when the windows in a house are opened for the first time in ages. It’s a mix of spring scents and fresh laundry. But it’s my most favorite smell and it definitely makes me all fluffy & sparkly.

9 thoughts on “Five Senses Meme

    1. Yeah, I wanna see dark and brooding Sylv dammit!! And I completly agree Trina…although the sight thing usually depends on what he’s wearing at the time, lol. That man has criminal dress sense!!!

      1. So I take it you have yet to smell the wonderful Mr McCoy then LOL!! Or touch him? I’m not touching ‘taste’ with a ten foot pole. My mind might slip into the gutter :p

        1. Actually, I’ve been close enough to smell and he didn’t make an impression on me. (Which is good – at least he didn’t smell of old cigars or yucky boysmell. But he also didn’t smell of good boysmell either.) And I’ve shaken his hand a few times – just another hand. 🙂 Since he’s an actor, he probably tastes of greasepaint – yuck!

    2. LOL – I have and * listed as allowed – I wondered why it’s not letting ’em through. (Actually, I’ve no idea if wildcards work with the hotlinking codes.)

    3. Ah ha! After much fighting with cPanel & .htaccess I think I’ve finally done it. I think livejournal can now see my images, regardless of what else is in the url. (Lemme know if this is not so.)

      1. Either. Both. I dunno, lol. The Time and Yer Auntie (lmao!) one were he looks like a shaved yeti :p Finally watched Three Kinds of Heat last night. Turns out my vcr plays NTSC as well as PAL so I didn’t have to wait to ask my brother to transfer it for me. So what did I think? Um…God it’s awful, LMAO!!! And Sylv spends most of the movie wearing a lampshade on his head and bearing a disturbing resemblance to Johnny Depp’s character in ‘Fear and Loathing’. Nice suit though.

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