Happy Free Comic Book Day!

No, today is not the celebration of the Independence of Comic Books such that they became free entities. Today is the day that all good comic book stores have free comic books on offer. Yay!

I’m not a big comic book geek, but I do love free stuff. And they had quite a few freebies at The Bookery Fantasy in Fairborn (my comic book store of choice). One major surprise for me was a HeroClix of Wolverine. Wow – I now own a HeroClix other than City of Heroes/Villains! Not that I’ll ever play HeroClix, but they are cute little figurines. 🙂

Today was my day out. I had a meeting in Columbus in preparation of B-WISER, the science camp that I teach at each summer. It was great seeing my summer co-workers again. We met at a nice tavern in Columbus (Red Door Tavern) and I had one of the best reubens I’ve ever eaten. Good eats, good conversation, and good planning. Should be a fun week at Wooster!

On my way home, I did a bit of a detour and headed for Beavercreek/Fairborn to check out Best Buy and my comic book store. (I only get there once every few months.) At Best Buy I finally found a nice cover/belt clip for my iPod. And it was on sale for $13! Plus I got Enya’s latest album. After a few arguments with the card swiping device at the check out, I was on my way to the Bookery. There I got the freebies plus my file o’ stuff. Doctor Who & Dreamwatch magazines, but still no Devil’s Panties. When I inquired, the salesman said he remembered seeing it out in the store, so he picked it up for me and then made doubly sure that Devil’s Panties was definitely in my file. (Alas, I’ve missed out on Issue 1. Here’s hoping I can find it some place!)

When I left this morning, I told Leo that I’d probably be back by 5pm. Well, our meeting lasted longer than I anticipated (we ladies had a lot of catching up to do!) so poor Leo had to wait an extra two hours and a half for me. Still, he’s feeded now, so he should be good. And speak of the devil, here he be! Ready to push stuff off my desk so that he can sit in front of my monitor. 🙂

5 thoughts on “Happy Free Comic Book Day!

  1. By the time I could make it to a shop (and not even the one I WANTED to go to but it woulda been a pain from where I was all day) I missed the free one from Image, but got most of the rest.

  2. Kevin’s out of town this weekend, so I was tasked with stopping in at the comic shop to pick up some free stuff for him. This particular store always has a local fan group dressed up as storm troopers hanging around on Free Comic Book Day, and today they had a Boba Fett as well. I has to squeeze by him to get out as they were blocking the door taking pictures with people. [i]And speak of the devil, here he be! Ready to push stuff off my desk so that he can sit in front of my monitor. :-)[/i] My cat, Moff, used to plop himself down on my textbooks while I was trying to do homework. 🙂

  3. Awww, man, I missed it?? 🙁 Dang it. Glad you remembered and had a good time, though! LOL Maybe I’ll go sneak down to the store and see if Jeff has any leftovers…

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