In my last post, I hinted that the last 24 hours of B-WISER didn’t go as smoothly as usual. Well, Thursday night, the teachers took the girls to supper so that the counselors could have a night off. (This is usually on Wednesday, but this year was different.) The girls that Dee & I were meeting said to meet in Lowry, where the food was, at 5pm. Caroline and her team teacher Joyce were to also meet their girls there. So we all headed off to Lowry a little bit before 5pm. Caroline and I had our swim suits, hoping to repeat our fun swimming evening of Tuesday. Well, we did get to get wet…
Once we were at Lowry, we waited for the girls to come and watched as it got dark outside. And windy. Very windy. And after a bit the rain began. And it was furious. The power flickered several times before finally going out. Well, not all of the girls in Caroline & Joyce’s group were there, but by now the cafeteria was open, so we all headed upstairs. The food was already prepared, so was hot. However, they had no way of keeping it warm. As more folks filtered into the cafeteria, I’m sure they didn’t have quite as nice a meal as we did.
We were still waiting on our other groups and missing girls, who were still stuck at the dorm, when the cafeteria first announced that they wanted us to use paper products from that point on. Then later we heard they were going to stop serving by 6pm. At five til six, our remaining charges finally arrived – the thunderstorms had stopped enough to let them through.
Those of us who were done headed down to the lobby again. And found out that it had really gotten bad outside. The reason Becky and her charges didn’t get over in time is because they headed out only to have a tree crash down just a few feet in front of them! Needless to say, they all ran for the safety of the dorm and waited for the storm to clear. Their trip to see us was still an adventure, avoiding all the downed trees. Eep!
Becky later took photos of some of the devastation and I’ve got a few to post.

One of the paths is blocked by a downed tree.

Trees on power lines – eek!

That poor car! Thankfully that wasn’t one of ours.
The evening activity was canceled that night, but the girls had been planning a Talent Show for after snacks anyhoo, so we used that as the evening activity. When we got back to the dorm, the generator was running, so the hallways and lobby had light. We did the Talent Show in the lobby. We teachers started it with our brilliant rendition of The B-WISER Song. (Basically, YMCA but with new lyrics for B-WISER.) We actually hit some of the notes and often sang the right words, so we were very impressive. 🙂
The girls did a great job with the show. Several soloists (wow – to sing in front of your peers a capella – very ballsy – or is that ovary-sy?) and many skits. And I’d even signed up to recite poetry. I recited “The Lobster Quadrille” by Lewis Carroll. Oh, and told two science jokes which only the teachers got. Heh.
The next morning, we headed off to Lowry for breakfast. They managed to get some hot water (they have 1 gas range in the kitchens) and cold milk and other things. I had cereal, oatmeal (now I know what sawdust & wall paper paste taste like – with a touch of cinnamon), an orange, and milk. Wasn’t bad.
Our 6 exemplars managed to get into Wooster (which was impressive, because the city was practically a disaster area still) and they all talked to the girls. I got to listen to a lady who worked for Smuckers, another who’d recently been to Antarctica, and a third who worked for NASA. Then I was stationed at the OB/GYN’s station while 3 groups of girls came to listen to her talk about math, science, genetics, and other things. So I got to see 4 of the 6 exemplars. Not bad.
For lunch, the cafeteria folks had grilled out and provided hamburgers, hot dogs, smokies, and baked beans. Plus plenty of fruits and veggies. They really did a great job with a bad situation. We all applauded them for their efforts.
We wound up having the closing ceremony in Lowry too, because it had plenty of windows to get us enough light to see. A lot of parents were already there and watched as the girls got their certificates and we thanked everyone involved. Then *sniff* it was time to leave my fun co-workers and head home. Always sad to say good bye to them. But by 2:30 I was on the road and out of Wooster. (Thankfully, my usual route into & out of Wooster was one of the few free ones).
As of Friday night, there were still nearly 13,000 people in Wooster without electricity. Now there are apparently only about 6,000. Still a lot, but it looks like they’re getting things sorted out.