One of my parents’ worst nightmare – to be looking after Leo for me and him getting sick.
Today, he was sick. They thought the automatic feeder was broken and was feeding him too much. He became lethargic and had trouble breathing. They got an appointment to the vet and discovered Leo had an enlarged heart and was having congestive heart failure. The vet sent them home while Leo had more tests done. When they called at 7pm to see how Leo was doing, the vet informed them that Leo had passed away. He took one last gasp of breath and then died.
Poor Leo. I’m gonna miss him lots & lots.

Leo the Lion
July 22, 2001 – June 21, 2006
I’m so, so sorry, Trina. 🙁
Oh kitty! *hugs you*
Oh, the poor little guy… I’m so sorry… 🙁
Please accept my condolences for your loss.
Oh jeez. I’m so so sorry to hear about this. I suppose for it to happen while you weren’t there just makes it even worse. *bigsqueezyhug* ROry and Oscar send snuggles too.
Trina, I’m so sorry. I hope your happy memories of him will bring you comfort.
OMG!!! I’m so sorry hon! 🙁
Awwwww, my condolences. 🙁
Oh Trina! *hug* Poor Leo. =(
Damn! I know he was an important part of your family, and it’s going to hurt for a long time, now that he’s gone. I suppose, though, that a blessing is that he didn’t suffer long, and his passing seems to have been easy. (I know that doesn’t seem like a blessing, right now … but…) *hugs*
Oh, Trina! I’m so sorry to hear that. Hugs and condolences! Em
Oh, no! I am so sorry to hear this! My deepest sympathies to you…
My god, that’s just so unexpected 🙁 I’m really sorry, Trina *hugs* I loved reading the little tidbits about Leo on your LJ. He was such a gorgeous boyo. I know your gonna miss him.
I’m so sorry, Trina. *hugs* Sherlock sends multiple comforting boofs.
I’m really sorry to hear it. I know how attached one can get to one’s cats. I’m also sorry that you weren’t able to be with him at the time.
Aww, I’m so sorry. I had no idea he was in poor health. Poor kitty, I’ll miss seeing random piccies of him. He seemed so sweet.
Oh Trina! I’m so sorry! That’s terrible. Poor Leo. 🙁
Oh, dear. I’m so sorry to hear about Leo’s passing. You have my sincerest sympathies.
Oh no, poor kitten…
*hugs* I never met him but i felt like i knew him and loved him. You both gave each other love and companionship,that’s something that can’t be measured on how important it is in our lives. I’m sorry for your loss.
My condolensces.
*hug* ;-; i’m so sorry to hear about him.
You have my deepest sympathies
Aaaack! Poor Leo! And poor Trina! Even though I only met him once, I’ll always remember him. He was a beautiful cat, and very loving/lovable.
Whoops. That was drox. Forgot to log in (too shocked by the news — he was too young to die)
*snuggles* :/
Oh, hells, Trina. I’m so sorry. SO sorry. 🙁 *hugs*
I’m so sorry. =[
*hugs* 🙁
My sympathies. 🙁
I’m very sorry for your loss.
Sorry to hear about Leo, but I know you have lots of happy memories of him to treasure.
I am so, so sorry that you couldn’t be home with him. I really am.
I’m so sorry to hear that *hugs*
So sorry honey.
Now that my co-worker thinks I’m a little weird – started tearing up… I’m so sorry for your loss. I know how it is to lose a kitty while away, my BB died while I was gone. I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like when it’s Bue’s turn, he’s 15 now…
Damn. 🙁 I am so very sorry to hear this, Trina. They’re never simply “your cat(s)”–they’re your babies. You have my deepest, deepest sympathies. *hugs*
Rachel and I raised our glasses in celebration of Leo last night. We are so greatful for the happiness he brought to you and your home. You are in our thoughts and prayer-like sentiments. He is already missed. A~
Thanks for being there for mom on Wednesday. And give Fru an extra special hug from me.
I’m so sorry – some small consolation I hope in knowing that he lived a nice happy (much loved) life and died what sounds like a calm and relatively painless way.
Poor Leo. I’m very sorry for your loss.
He was a very beautiful cat… I’m so sorry.
*HUGS* Crazy cat lady that I am, I read about the adventures of Leo and I’ll miss him too.
Oh, no!! I’m so sorry to hear that. 🙁 He seemed like a great cat.
My condolances. That is a lovely photograph.
Oh honey! I missed this post. I’m so sorry. *hugs*
Oh, Trina. I’m so sorry to hear this. I know how much Leo means to you and how strange and wrong a house feels when a cat has gone. As you say in your next post, think of the good memories and the fun times you had together.