The Power of the Sleepy Cottage

I love going to my folks’ cottage on Lake Loramie. However, it makes me sleepy. I sleep well here – on the sofa, on the chair, in the bed, doesn’t matter where. So, sure enough, the thing I’ve done best while here is sleep. 🙂

Yesterday, I picked up judiang from Columbus airport (damn Aunt Tilly for taking her airline out of Dayton!) and went a little out of our way to stop at the Evil Puppy Mall. There I made Judi hold onto some Evil Puppies (and some Evil Kitties played with the dangly bits on my purse) and then buy some sandals at the Walking Place. A short trip to Best Buy for her to buy series 1 of Doctor Who. And then a stop at the Bookery so I could pick up my Doctor Who magazines (and some Astonishing X-Men – stupid Evil Comics). After a few more stops (supper at Pizza Hut being one) we finally got to the lake. Where we immediately began geeking.

Our evening was then devoted to watching Eurovision and L.A. Without a Map. And at 3am we finally went to bed. I slept in ’til noon. Ah, was good. Lunch was at The Wooden Shoe Inn (walleye for me, catfish for Judi). Then a stop at Wagners for groceries where we remembered to buy ice but forgot to buy buns. And then I napped.

It’s been raining off & on – very relaxing rains (some harder than others). Dunno whether I’ll start a fire or not. So we’ll either have grilled hot dogs or boiled hot dogs for supper. And I intend to make some strawbaby shortcake too. Yum! Guess I should get on with it! 🙂

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