Baby Kitties!

Perhaps the most important thing that Leo taught me during his short lifespan is that I need to have kitty cats in my life. My cousin’s sister has 4 little kitties who need good homes and I hope to take two of those kitties into my home. Today, judiang and I got to meet the little kitties. And one of the little girls (there’s 3 girls & 1 boy) came over to greet me almost as soon as she left their carrier.

Here’s me and the baby kitty. I think we get along well.

Judi enters the state of Kitty Bliss

In addition to the little beauty in those photos, I’ll be taking her little brother as well. I’m hoping that 2 kitties will be able to keep each other entertained while I’m at work and when I go on trips. Judi did her best in trying to take pictures of the kitties, but let’s face it, taking photos of kitties is like trying to take photos of the wind. The kitties, BTW, should become part of my household in early August. (Hoping to get my floor in reasonable shape before I take in the kitties.)

22 thoughts on “Baby Kitties!

  1. Awwwwww…they’re soooooo frakin’ cute!! Nice for your cousin that she’ll be able to find a wonderful home for two of the kitties at least. Now, have you made it a stipulation of adoption that she has Mama Cat fixed? You’ve got some influential power at the moment…. Hope y’all are having a blast at the lake.

    1. Mama cat’s dead. Killed by a coyote. 🙁 A neighbor who knew that Kim was a true cat lover brought the five babies to her. She’s been bottle feeding them. All but the boy are currently weaned.

      1. That’s a lot of work! But yay for Kim… I sooooo want a kitty, but I can’t have one – they’re sooooo cute and when they walk on you when they want attention – even right over your hands when you’re typing… I miss my kitty, too – He’ll be 15, or is it 16? this winter – he’s at parents’ house… Chris is severely allergic to cats… so no more kitties 🙁

  2. Awwwww!! *has flashbacks to when Baylee and Mollie were kittens…and wonders what Pushca!kitten would’ve been like…* Got any names in mind?

    1. Not yet. I think I’ll let them name themselves. Once I get a chance to play with them on their own, I’ll know better what they want named. Judi thinks I should go with Billie & David. Heh. Perhaps not. 🙂

  3. It’s Judi! Wow! I was sure the pom had gobbled her up and bogarted her IRC account. *** Huh, weird – that’s the saddest-looking expression I ever saw on a kittyface.

  4. Aw, they’re adorable. I know you will give them lots of love and pets and generally spoil them rotten. All cats deserve it, after all. 🙂

    1. Leo was never enamored with the laser pointer, but I’ll probably try it with the kitties. He did, however, love my touchable bubbles. 🙂 And rings – I’ve still got zillions of milk bottle rings in the house.

      1. My cats just don’t ‘get’ bubbles. If you blow bubbles in their direction they just look at you like ‘and? …‘ They love chasing the torch beam and stuff though.

  5. There is no emoticon for that quantity of squee… Mine are all growed up and spayed now (one of them twice), but yes, two for when you’re out at work is a good call – cats may be independent, but kittens need company. It’s especially good you’re getting two from the same litter, so they’ll already be used to each other and settle in more easily. Mine are an odd couple: an illegitimate princess who knows she should have been a pedigree, and a rough-and-tumble tomboy calico who thinks she should have been a puppy, but they love each other dearly most of the time.

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