Floor & More!

Well, before I left to visit Amy & Rachel, I actually got the carpet all pulled up. So I thought I’d post a couple of pictures with it.

As you can see in this photo, the floor looks lovely for the most part. There are a few places where it’s dark cuz of Leo peeing on the floor. 🙁

Here’s a closer shot for some more detail:

Nice looking, isn’t it?

Oh yeah, about those kitties… They’re here! Yay!

As a matter of fact, they’re laying on my chest now & sleeping while I type. Well, the girl is figiting cuz of the noise of my keyboard, but she’s just purring away.ghyofhooooo5]\9888889// LOL and then she had to investigate the keyboard.

I’ll post another photo later when the kitties let me. 🙂

22 thoughts on “Floor & More!

    1. Still haven’t decided. Maybe Linus & Lucy. Maybe Donnie & Marie. Maybe Bert & Ernie. Right now I’m just calling ’em little girl & little boy. 🙂

          1. Dude, you made my icon!!! *rolls around on the floor like a maniac* Oh, and those kitten bubbies are way cute.

          2. Heh heh. You must not have gotten my comment to your comment. I made it shortly after seeing your comment. Take it if you want. I might be able to modify it some yet. With text & maybe more slides.

          3. Already poached it. I can mod it if you haven’t got the time, if you don’t mind of course.

          4. You go for it! If you read the keywords for it, it says “Doctor who – solo dancing for Phlege.” 🙂

    1. Yeah, a little. They’ve both got bellies already. Heh – one’s sleeping on my neck. Not sure which one. I don’t see where the other’s gotten to.

      1. Hopefully they’ll stay cuddly as they get older. My babies would climb all over you when they were kittens, but out of the three of them only Mollie really curls up on your lap anymore. Pushca will always sleep on your feet though and likes to have his belly rubbed. Baylee is only cuddly when he feels like it, but you can tell when he wants some loves coz he’s got a purr like a motorboat and drools like an old man.

  1. Waaaaah…they’re just sooooooo cute. Yeah, in your house Sylv and Sophie would be apt. 🙂 Or maybe Giacomo and Henriette? But since they’re brother and sister that might not be right. 😉 So Jack and Leonilda? (no, that’s too twisted) Hmmm…Campbell and Francine? Davey and Davina? Oh there’s bound to be plenty. (Floor looks nice too)

  2. Oh, what an adorable couple of boos. They look like they’ll be tons of fun to have around. I look forward to more cute kitty pictures.

  3. This is from Donna Martin (Leo’s birth mom) … I can’t get over how much the two of them look like their illustrious predecessor. They look just like Leo and Pooh and Sootie looked like when they were tiny. I think you’ll like having two of them at once — they will be company for each other while you’re away and oh so much fun to watch as they play with each other. Way to go, Mama Trina !!

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