More Kitties

I’m liable to go overboard on kitten cuteness, so I apologize in advance. I’ll try to make judicious use of LJ cuts to spare those not interested (or already OD’ing on cute).

I’m still trying to decide on names for the little ones. I call them Little Boy and Little Girl for now. The girl is the most adventurous, but also scared of noises (she doesn’t like Samurai Jack playing on the TV, for instance, and ran away from the flushing toilet). The boy is a little shier, but isn’t afraid of any noises. Of course, as soon as I started typing this, they came to bug me. 🙂

Anyhoo, here’s a photo I took of me and the kitties back when I was writing that earlier post.

The little boy is looking at the camera for once. It’s usually his sister.

And here are individual photos of them.

Here’s the little boy. He’s got more tiger-style stripes on his back and is black with grey.

Here’s the little girl. She’s got darker markings on the back and has bits of brown where he has grey.

They were sleeping in an almost yin yang form earlier, so I had to take a photo of it. That’s the LJ icon for this post.

Awww, I think they’re worn out again. So cute!

21 thoughts on “More Kitties

  1. *dies and is ded* They are sooo adorable!! And you know, Yin and Yang aren’t actually bad names for them, IMO…

  2. Oh, keep posting the cute. I miss having kittens around and this is the best substitute I’ll have for a while I think.

  3. *melts* Aww, they’re as adorable as a blue-tonge lizard (and I don’t say that often) And you look quite cuddly too. *randomly appears in your house, hugs you, hugs the kittens, and dissapears in a puff of yellow smoke*

    1. /me plans to haul Erin to our friend’s house — they’ve got two blue-tongued lizards (a male and a female), interesting frogs, a snake, two guinea pigs, and about five chinchillas. (their four kids are all allergic to nearly all animal dander)

      1. *swoons for two reasons* 1) A happy lizard couple! So sweet 😛 Next time you see the snake, say “hi” from me 😀 2) Trina’s Random Sylv Pic has Penguin Man and Peter Davison. Heh, they look so serious 😛

  4. My neighbours next to the first house we movied to in Cambridge had two little tabby puddies just like those two called Mork and Mindy.

    1. I entertained the idea of Mork & Mindy for a bit. But I’ve been trying out Linus & Lucy and I think the names fit. 🙂

  5. I thought I could resist… I thought I could resist and then curiousity killed me! THEY’RE SOOOO CUTE!

  6. Yay! A reason to use this icon! Speaking of icons, each of those individual pics would make good icons, too. They’re both so expressive. And kitten tails. I love tiny kitten tails. They will reveal their names to you, when they are good and ready.

  7. Want! You should call the little girl “mei mei” which is Mandarin for “little sister” or “little one”, as used by Simon for River and Mal for Kaylee in Firefly. This means you can then call the boy either Simon or Mal. 😉

    1. I pondered looking up the Chinese for Little Girl and Little Boy (or Little Sister and Little Brother) but the more they play, the more they’re like Linus & Lucy. 🙂

  8. *sniffle* I miss having kitties. As for names… for some reason, I’m thinking Chris and Roz. 🙂

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