8 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, Phlege!

  1. For what it’s worth in terms of source, it’s obviously from the first photo op after he was announced as the Doctor, before his costume had been designed. You can tell from the scarf and the jacket. Bonnie was in all black and lace.

    1. LMAO!! Okay somebody needs to make that icon…preferably with a screencap of a Gratuitous Grabby Hands Moment ™ Thankee for the lovely picture Trina!!!

      1. Um… aren’t there on-set Fenric pictures where he’s grabbing her breasts, or something? Not that I’m in any way encouraging iconic wrongness. 🙂

        1. In Ghostlight there is actual film of breasticle grabbing. I think I may have every grabby-hands picture of the two of them in the whole of existence :p

  2. Heee! Witness the master of gurning! *feels embarrassed she forgot Phlege’s birthday* I’ll just go and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY a lot now… *slides from room*

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